Queen Elizabeth II, 94, the longest ruling British monarch in history, can finally ride her dear pony again. She was photographed during her favorite pastime activity in Windsor Castle and she really seemed to enjoy it.

Even though she is almost halfway through her 90s, she showed everyone that age is just a number to her. She is still vital and lively enough to do numerous activities, including riding which has always been her favorite.

Source: nationalpost.com

The Palace released these photos of Queen Elizabeth riding Balmoral Fern, who is a 14-year-old Fell Pony. The pictures were taken in Windsor Home Park, West London. Over the weekend of May 30 and May 31, the Queen enjoyed a day on the back of this beautiful animal.

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Source: nationalpost.com

Before this, she appeared publicly on March 19, as she was leaving Buckingham Palace for Windsor. She was with her two dogs back then, which tells us how much animals are important to her. Over the last few months, the Queen had meetings exclusively over the phone. She also addressed the people during several TV broadcasts.

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Queen Elizabeth II has been ruling the United Kingdom since June 2, 1953. She was 25 years old when she inherited the throne, after her father King George VI passed away. She was officially crowned a year alter, to keep with the tradition of respecting the passing monarch.

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