Email marketing. A phrase that many people thought would never even come to fruition. But, as well as email itself, it’s very much an integral part of any online business. Email is the preferred medium of communication for 70% of brands and businesses. While social media is great for communication, it’s really not in the corporate world and world of business.
This is where email reigns supreme. This internet service, in the modern time, allows you to create email campaigns. People usually sign up to your mailing list or become a subscriber, in order to receive daily/weekly/monthly emails regarding the type of service.
So, with all that said, how do you get the most out of your email campaigns?
Stick around as we’re going to explore this question in greater detail.
1. Get Personal
Social media platforms give brands and businesses the option of being more personal with their followers. Long gone are the days or batch and blast marketing, and being personal is the way forward nowadays. So, probably the best way to get the most out of your email campaigns if by being personal with your mailing list. This can be done by personalizing email content to create audience segments. These segments can be created based on gender, products viewed or added to cart, product affinity, and many more.
2. You Have Options
When it comes to addressing the problem of customer funnel and cart abandonment, the main thing to understand is that you have options out there. These options come in the form of programs that can help you with triggered emails. The options are:
- Abandonment: these types of triggered email programs target late and early-stage shoppers.
- Product Catalog: These types of triggered email programs target middle stage shoppers by notifying them with product updates, new merchandise, etc, that will further cement their decision to shop with you, according to TheChecker.
- Recommendations: Again, focused around early-stage shoppers, recommendations triggered email programs recommend a product to a shopper based on previous behavior. These are the most common types of triggered email programs.
- Reminders: These programs focus on customers that have already purchased from you, and they operate in the form of notifications with reminders such as birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations, etc, and they recommend the most common purchased products.
3. Create Effective Emails
An effective email is a combination of how the email looks, and what the content includes. By combining these two components, we can create effective emails that serve the purpose. To create effective emails and combine the two, there are several things to keep in mind:
- Always have in mind that people use smartphones just as desktops and people open their email far more frequently on their smartphones. This means that you should always focus your email content to be cross-device friendly.
- Be personal and product-specific from the beginning.
- Always start with personal products, and follow up with related products.
- Make an email template that will have a number of products. The number should be based on how many products your customers view.
- Avoid dynamic text, overlay links, and images with custom font stacks.