Donald Trump

BLOOMBERG – 12/29/2019: Donald Trump has no intention to stay away from controversies. Just yesterday, his retweet was in the center of political happenings in the US. His tweet revealed the name of the whistleblower who is responsible for congressional inquiry that later led to the president’s impeachment trial.

The tweet was originally posted by @Surfermom77. Trump retweeted it, sometime between Friday and Saturday. But, later during the day, it was removed from Presidents’ feed. The media believed that it was the POTUS who removed it, but that wasn’t the case. It was a small Twitter glitch that affected numerous accounts, so some of their content wasn’t visible. This happened to Mr. Trumps feed. So, it was not his intention nor doing to delete the named tweet. Right after Twitter engineers removed the glitch, the Tweet was once again on Trump’s feed.

Donald Trump
On Sunday morning, every one of Trump’s 68 million followers was able to see it again. The controversy of this tweet lies in the fact that it reveals the name of the alleged whistleblower in the Trump impeachment process. This person was the first one to report to Congress what Mr. Trump said when on the phone with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy. The phone call occurred on July 25h.

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The original Tweeter account that posted this, @Surfermom77, goes by name Sofia and identifies herself as 100% Trump supporter. The same account, which is filled with pro-Trump and anti-democrats content, was temporarily disabled. But, it was back online Sunday morning. It’s profile photo now is the face of President Donald Trump.

During Saturday and Sunday, White House officials weren’t available for comment.

This was not the first time that Donald Trump mentions the whistleblower as he did it on multiple occasions in previous months. In some of his comments, he stated that he would love to make the name of that individual public.


By Sinisav