Instagram is one of the most diverse social media platforms in the world and it has over 1 billion active users each month – which makes it perfect for promoting your brand, as well as generating more sales. Well, if you are a business owner promoting your company on Instagram, you must know that the “likes” and “followers” sections are incredibly important for your brand and business.

So, why is that? Why do Instagram likes mean credibility for your brand? If you are wondering what is the answer to this question, this article is perfect for you. In the text below, you will be able to read about the four reasons why the number of likes makes your brand more credible. Let’s take a closer look:

Four Reasons Why Likes = Credibility

Reason 01 – Likes Improve Social Proof

In the social networking world, your likes are social proof that will allow the users to see your reputation with other people. People look at the number of likes and followers you have, especially if they are thinking about purchasing a product or service from you. For instance, if you have 5.000 likes on your post and your opponent has 10.000, it is in the human nature to be more attracted to a brand that more people engage with. That is why it is important to have a lot of likes – people will see it as other people being satisfied with your brand, hence, there is a bigger chance of them choosing your brand for a specific product or service.

Reason 02 – You Can Beat Your Rival on Social Media Platforms

As previously mentioned, likes are important since they can be a determiner whether someone will or will not purchase something from you. According to the website, by having a lot of likes on your posts, people will engage with your brand more, involve themselves in discussions, and the number of likes is also a good way of seeing how much people enjoy the content that you post.

Reason 03 – Boost Your SEO Ranking

The number of likes is not only a representation of your credibility, but they are one of the most important things of search results. SEO or search engine optimization is one of the most important things in running a business and by having a lot of likes, it will help you rank better in the search engine results. This will not only lead to more sales, but it will also allow you to gain more customers.

Reason 04 – A Certification for Your Business and Brand

If your business has a lot of likes on the posts you create on Instagram, you will be viewed as a successful business on other social media channels and platforms as well. This is what you need to understand as a business owner. Likes will make your brand credible since people shopping on Instagram will definitely look at the number of your followers, likes, and comments on your posts.


As you can see, having a lot of likes on your Instagram posts will not only make your brand more credible, but it will also bring more customers, sales, and you will be able to generate better revenues. Hence, do not waste any more time and start thinking about a strategy to boost your Instagram likes and followers.