Legendary singer Christina Aguilera has been trying to lose weight and fighting the excess pounds for years, and she has finally found the solution to her struggle.

Because of tremendous stress, the superstar gained 65 pounds. She has now got rid of it all thanks to a superb diet. She never used any weight loss supplements, as a healthy and balanced diet was the only thing she needed

Under the supervision of a nutritionist and with a lot of willpower, she now looks better than ever. Following are her rules and the overall food regime.

The Amazing Diet of Christina Aguilera

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The Amazing Diet of Christina Aguilera

The diet lasted for 10 months and there were two phases. The first phase lasted for 4 months and it involved three main meals and two snacks. She only ate chicken, turkey, and cheese, as well as potatoes and pasta.

The second phase included products that reduce the need and will for sweets. She also ate legumes, red meat, dairy products, and eggs. An occasional piece of dark chocolate was also allowed. Daily calorie intake was 1500 calories, with each meal at 450 and each snack at 150.

Read also: Christina Aguilera Stuns at “Mulan” Premiere

The first phase menu included the following:

  • For breakfast, 1 piece of chicken, 1 portion of green beans, lettuce, handful of potatoes
  • For lunch, 1 portion of cereals, low fat cheese, celery
  • For dinner, two boiled eggs, 1 slice of whole-wheat bread, cauliflower
  • For snacks, green vegetables, pumpkin, squash, tomatoes

The second phase menu included the following:

  • For breakfast, a handful of fresh berries, avocado, oatmeal, 1 egg, a handful of peanuts
  • For lunch, beans with turkey or chicken, a piece of tofu, almond paste toast
  • For dinner, seafood salad, green apple, mango
  • For snacks, vegetable of choice

Fats and sugar are completely forbidden, and a greater intake of water is recommended. Aguilera also had two training sessions per week, mostly cardio exercises.