When on vacation it is inevitable to take a lot of pictures and videos that will help you all remember this trip. After you have come home from the trip, after unpacking all the clothes, it is essential to go through the pictures and keep them stored in a specific way. There are a lot of options, and you can choose the one that will be used to safely store all the memories. Down below we present a few options on how you can do this.
1. Phones internal storage

You have come back from the vacation and you need to unpack, once you did this you tell yourself I’ll rearrange and pack the photo and video material soon, tomorrow, on the weekend. Then it seems that all of these just stay on your internal storage of the phone you have taken the photos with. This seems like a good option, especially for the ones that are lazy to restore them, as well as for the ones that will like to have them on hand in order to show their friends and family.
This does have advantages since the content is on hand and instantly there. The negative side of this kind of storage is that the content can be lost if there is a malfunction of the phone. This applies to the breaking of the device beyond repair as well as sending the device to the official service and them reinstalling the whole operating system. Both can lead to irreversible loss of data.
2. PC hard drive

Any device with internal storage can be used to store the photos and videos you have taken on your trip with the family. When it comes to this type of storage there are positive and negative sides. Your laptop’s internal storage or hard drive may seem like a safe option in the storage of data.
And it does seem safer than the internal storage of the mobile phone. However, hard drives have a specific working age and may increase in the appearance of critical errors and data corruption. Not only that they can physically stop working, but viruses may cause data corruption leading to sometimes unrepairable damage and loss of data.
3. External hard drive

A good alternative to the hard drive that is the internal component of a mobile device, PC and laptop is an external hard drive.
This type of storage device may be a better option since it does have a better life span due to less usage and it is capable of storing enormous amounts of data. You can use it when needed and store data at will. The possible negative side is that it can be prone to malfunctions and data corruption so your data might be affected. This is, rare, but better safe than sorry.
4. USB drive

This removable device may be used as a storage device for different data types. Even though not very common to be used in such a way, it can be a good alternative to other ways of storages. They nowadays come in very big sizes in sense of the amount of data that can be stored, so you might have one to store all data on.
Due to the size of this type of device, it can be easily lost and broken. This can lead to permanent data loss. On other occasions, if you use it to transfer data from one device to the other it may catch viruses that can corrupt the data and lead to a complete or partial loss of it.
5. SD cards

If you are using a camera, all pictures may be stored on the SD card, and you might consider leaving them on the card as they are. SD card may be used as an external storage device on the phone as well.
Even though this external storage unit may be useful, it is very easy to be lost due to its small size. Some cameras will have their own way of formatting the data on the card, so be aware of it. The same goes for phones. This type is also prone to corruption and malfunctions.
6. CD or DVD

This may be the old fashion way of storage, but it was very popular. Data safety depends on the safety of the CD/DVD. When burning the disk makes sure that the data is stored without any errors. It is also essential to store the disks properly in order to preserve the data that is on them.
7. Social media

Some love sharing their life with others on social networks. Once shared the data is out there, on the internet and it is there to stay. This can be a good thing since once on your profile, it will be stored there and you will be able to access it. If you would like to print them out, you will need to download it from the social networks in order to do the printing. By using odownloader.com you can download the content you want easily.
8. Online photo albums and clouds
Many offer these kinds of services, especially phone brands. This cloud storage of the photos may be a good idea, due to the fact that the content is uploaded as being taken, and once uploaded you may access from different devices. These photo albums use clouds to store data. They may be limited in the amount of data that can be stored but the chances of data loss are very minimal. Many people decide on these nowadays, since it is safe, easy to access and it does not bind you to just one device.

When storing your memories you would like to do that in the safest possible way. Do not be lazy and do the research in order to pick the best possible option for you, There are many options with both positive and negative sides. Internal and external storages have their flaws due to the possibility of data corruption and loss. Online services may pose a reliable option, but only if chosen well.