7. Nicole Richie

Actress and television personality Nicole Richie told E! News her biggest regret was the tattoo on the side of her right wrist. Tattoo says “Virgin”. She got the inking when she was 16 years old because she was a Virgo, which is represented by the virgin. She joked about adding an “I” and an “A” saying she’s from Virginia, but she didn’t think anyone would believe her.
6. David Beckham

If you’re going to get a word inked on your body in a different language, be sure it’s spelled correctly. So many celebs have fallen victim to this howler. David Beckham’s misspelled tattoo is probably the most famous of them. He had his wife’s name inked on his forearm in the Hindi script. Apparently, because he thought it would be less “tacky” having it in English, but instead of saying “Victoria,” an extra “H” crept into the name. So, David wound up with the Hindi equivalent of “Vihctoria” on his arm.
5. Rihanna

Famous singer Rihanna got a tiny gun tattooed on her ribcage under her arm in 2009. It’s pretty fitting that celeb-favorite tattoo artist Bang Bang did it. His view on the gun tattoo is that it represents “strength and power”. She went on to get a Falcon tattoo on her ankle that looked like a handgun, and a huge gun inking was spotted on her thigh, but that one was just a temporary tattoo for her movie “Battleship”.
4. Ryan Gosling

If ever there’s a recipe for an awful tattoo, it’s doing it yourself. And that’s what Ryan Gosling discovered when he tried to ink a monster’s hand dropping a bloody heart. The actor clearly shouldn’t give up the day job, as his tack didn’t turn out quite as he’d hoped. Ryan admitted that it resembles more of a “cactus” than a hand. It just goes to show that buying a tattoo kit does not make you a tattoo artist.
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