Instagram is one of those social media platforms that moved from being fun and family-friendly to a real and serious content marketing tool. Instagram’s audience-building potential is so huge that people are using it to create and promote their brand to millions of people. According to data, brands get an average of 4,6% of user interaction on their Instagram accounts, as opposed to 0.07% and 0.03% on Facebook and Twitter respectively.
Those numbers have taken into account all the manners of Instagram marketing. And despite the low percentage, those numbers are very impressive compared to other social media platforms.
But it can always be better, so that’s why we’re here to tell you the things that can help you with boosting your Instagram.
1. Promote Your Hashtag

Hashtags on Instagram are a means of attracting large groups of people onto your account. Hashtags are integral for any brand, as you have the option of making one your own. Take Nike for example. Their slogan, “Just Do It” has over 18 million posts on Instagram, and it all stems from a well-made marketing strategy.
But owning a hashtag is nothing without promoting it, and one of the best ways to do it is through a number of ways. Take it to the offline world by printing it on your receipts, with printed ads, or make it as a sign on your store.
2. Repost to Instagram Through Your Desktop PC

Working on your smartphone is not very easy, especially if Instagram is your thing. It’s all well said and done liking, commenting, and scrolling, but you need a workstation if you are to make Instagram your main source of income, which you truly can.
There are apps out there that allow you to download Instagram to your desktop PC, giving you all the access a smartphone entry would. One such app is SocialBox, and it’s free for everyone. Through SocialBox, you can post, repost, like, comment, and literary everything else on Instagram straight from the clutches of your mouse and keyboard.
3. Participate In Conversations

One way to boost your Instagram account is to participate in popular conversations that will allow you to meet interesting people in-around your field of expertise. If you’re a woodworker, for example, you can use the popular hashtag #woodworking that will allow you to participate in conversations in-around your field of work. Use popular and similar hashtags such as that and you will soon discover a new range of interesting people that you can meet for future collaborations.
4. Create Good Captions

Captions are sort of like a pinned comment for every picture or video you post. There’s a popular saying that goes “a picture tells a thousand words”, but that doesn’t apply in the Instagram world as every picture requires a bit of context. For your next Instagram post, try to come up with a caption that will inspire your audience.
Accordin to LightingLikes, creating descriptive and inspirational captions drives conversion rates, and it’s a strategy widely used by many brands out there. For example, a post by National Geographic on their Instagram account managed to land over 100k likes and 40k comments. The post was a picture of a monkey, but the description is the most interesting part of this post.