Most business owners know that great website design is one of the most important things for any business trying to succeed online. However, if your website does not have a good search engine ranking, it is quite possible that a lot of people will never see it.

If you want to avoid being on the fifth page of the search results, you will need to consider implementing some SEO strategies that will improve your web design and your search engine rankings. In this article, you will be able to read about the best SEO strategies for improving your website. Let’s take a look at the strategies:

Ensure That Your Website is Search Engine Friendly

Using Flash as a navigation method can be quite bad if you do not know how to make the Flash objects accessible and web-crawler friendly. Search engines have an incredibly difficult time crawling through the sites that use Flash. Instead, opt for using CSS and JavaScript which can provide any effect you want without hindering your search engine rankings.

Post Content That Crawlers can Read

As you know, content is the force of your site and it is what the crawlers like to feed on. When designing your site, ensure that you consider implementing a good structure for your content. According to, if you do not post enough content, you will end up struggling with the search engine results – however, this can be avoided by planning each design stage properly.

You URLs Need to be Search-Friendly

The best example of a search-friendly URL is the one that contains a keyword or keywords that describe the content on a specific web page. That helps a lot and Google will put those ahead.

Update Your Pages With Frequent Content

If you have a “Blog” category on your site, consider adding some parts of the articles on all your website pages. This will allow the search engine to notice that your pages are changing frequently, hence, notifying them that your website is still up-and-running. Keep in mind that you should never implement full posts to all your web pages since it can cause duplicate content problems.

Use Specific Meta Data

Your page titles, keywords, and description should all be different. There have been situations where a web designer creates a template of the website and simply forgets to switch or change the metadata which can mean that at the end, several website pages will use the original placeholder information. Each page on your site should have its own, specific metadata.


By implementing the five tips from this article in your website design, you will be able to improve your search engine rankings, as well as improve your entire website structure and design. Hence, do not waste any more time and start implementing these tips right away.