Do you know what life is going to bring to your door? Well, none of us has the idea of what circumstances can knock our door tomorrow. Life is unpredictable and so is your health. You never know what medical emergencies and needs you are going to face tomorrow. Yes, this definitely sounds to be foresight criteria but being prepared and covered will let you cope with the situations in a much better way.

In a city like Dubai, we all know the cost of living is high and the expenses are hardly manageable by the individuals living on their own. So, when the emergencies arise, having a counter plan to deal with them is necessary. One of the best and reliable options you can look for in such circumstances is Bayzat’s Health Insurance.

A health insurance will keep you relieved of tensions and monetary burden. It provides you the financial backup for your medical treatment easing out your financial stress over availing the treatment. The law makes it compulsory for all the residents of the city to have a minimum basic health cover; Emirates lead the way in making it mandatory. Keeping in mind the convenience of the individuals, there are variety of schemes available with different benefits and packages.

The health insurance has actually proven to be beneficial for residents and expats alike. Some of the providers offer 100% medical fee payment, while some provide you the part of expenses depending on the percentages agreed. So, you choose what to buy for yourself to have yourself covered in emergency situations. Know that all companies in UAE provides the coverage for their employees, and sometimes their dependents too.

Talking about the basic plan one can have in UAE, here are few details about the scheme or policy.

About the Basic Health Insurance plan in UAE

Unlike, being basic to the core, even the basic plan in UAE will assure you have the adequate medical coverage in UAE. Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has made the Essential Benefit Package (EPA), the most basic scheme mandatory. It falls between AED 565 to AED 650 yearly. The scheme offers the maximum annual coverage if AED 150,000 in UAE.

The medical drugs are capped at AED 1500 including the co-payment. And the recent stats from DHA state that around 50 insurance companies in Dubai allow the residents and individuals to choose from the wide range of health plans. These providers offer the schemes and services depending on the following criteria

  • Maximum yearly coverage
  • Co-payment rates
  • Medicine and drug coverage
  • Relevant hospitals and clinics
  • Geographic scope of coverage
  • Specialty care

Besides, the basic and premium health insurance covers in schemes, there is another greatest coverage you can rely and get great benefits from; that is Maternity cover.

How maternity coverage is the greatest benefit of having an insurance coverage in Dubai?

You will find maternity cover in almost all the basic plan including the ample benefits and slight differences in the schemes. This maternity coverage features the benefits for mother as well as the child during the pregnancy.  Some of the insurance providers also provide the new moms with an after birth care like eight visits to a primary health care during the pregnancy, 3 free ultrasounds and up to AED 7,000 cover for normal delivery and AED 10,000 cover for a C-section.

The hospitals and clinics in the city function around-the-clock, making the medical facilities easily accessible to the patients and ensuring the right treatments with it’s benefits.

Now, you also have the other schemes available, but the most talked among the individuals who travel a lot and students or businessmen are the International insurance schemes.

What are international insurance schemes and how do they benefit?

How about an insurance coverage that lets you avail the medical facilities and treatment while traveling? The medical aid while on a travel can be hassle and fret free. That is what an international insurance scheme does.  It helps you manage the treatment costs outside Dubai and is quite benefitting for the ones who travel frequently. With such a coverage, one can easily manage off their expenses of traveling while meeting their medical needs if necessary.

Brief on having a health insurance in Dubai/ UAE

  • It is mandatory for all the residents in Dubai to have a minimum health insurance scheme.
  • The basic plan (EBP) offers maximum coverage of AED 150,000 annually.
  • Women in Dubai can avail the benefits of maternity coverage even in the basic plans.
  • To meet the medical needs outside Dubai, the International health insurance schemes are available.

What Does the Health Insurance Cover?

When it’s about the coverage in Dubai then you will find that it covers emergency medicines as well as care in case of illness and accidents. You have to demonstrate that you have legitimate health insurance while entering Dubai. This can be just a copy or original document either in digital or print format. Simply ensure that it evidently states it’s valid for UAE/Dubai.

Having health insurance is not only a better alternative for travelers; however, an obligatory necessity. Hence, if you really wish to enjoy in the city then you need to sift through it as early as possible.

General Benefits of Having Health Insurance

Many people think that health insurance is beneficial only if they are planning to visit Dubai. However, this is not the only reason for the same! Proper health insurance, no doubt, can help one to stay alive. This doesn’t imply that without it hospitals will let you bleed in bed. But, the treatment that you will receive may not be up to the point. Also, implications of not getting proper care may cause issues later on.

Another reason, it will surely help you in staying out of lifetime debt. Everyone knows that healthcare is simply not free in majority of cases; however, it can cost a lot to a person who is not living in that country. Of course, you have to pay for care that you will receive. Without insurance, it will cost you much which will not be beneficial for you only.