
EXPRESS – 03/05/2020: Unlike her husband, Melania Trump isn’t obsessing about coronavirus. The fear grows in the United States with every passing day, but the First Lady couldn’t care less. During the award ceremony at the International Women of Courage event at the State Department, Melania exchanged hugs, handshakes, and kisses with women who received the prizes.

As you can see below in the pictures and video, Melania didn’t act like someone who has fears of coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, her husband, Donald Trump, can only talk about this matter in recent days.

Melania Trump

The death toll from this virus grows every day in the United States. The citizens are worried, and the measures of precaution are being taken. According to POTUS, the pharmaceutical companies are working on finding a treatment for this condition before the vaccine is prepared.

Read Also: Here’s What Melania Trump Eats Every Day To Look Fabulous

Trump’s presidential campaign is ongoing, and he has no plans to stop it because of coronavirus. Mr. President claims that the democrats are spreading panic and that the situation is under control. Just a few days ago, POTUS had a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, in front of thousands of people.

It seems that his wife, the First Lady Melania Trump, also isn’t worried as you can see by yourselves. There were people in the audience at State Department as Melania was handing over the prizes at International Women of Courage awards. She shook hands with at least twelve women, which showed that she has no worries that she could contract coronavirus, which is dubbed as being transmitted person-to-person.

Donald Trump also donated $100,000 of his salary to the resources intended for fighting coronavirus. While this could help, Mr. President accusations that Barack Obama’s administration is guilty of coronavirus pandemic certainly won’t.

Stay tuned as we report on Donald Trump’s family and incoming reports on coronavirus and the upcoming elections.


By Sinisav