Donald Trump

Lawrence O’Donnell, the MSNBC host, went on and criticized President Donald Trump’s children. The reason is that he considers that Trump’s children haven’t done enough to stop the spread of coronavirus pandemic. Furthermore, O’Donnell added that Donald Trump is a sociopath.

In his first tweet, the MSNBC host wrote: “Patiently awaiting a tweet like this about a Trump family member.”

This was his response to a tweet by Jane Mayer, who proudly shared a photo of his nephew who works as Ridgewood Volunteer Ambulance crew in NYC. She tweeted the following: “So proud of my nephew, right, with his co-workers on Ridgewood Volunteer Ambulance crew in NYC. He is an EMT, a freshman at Yale, and a wonderful kid who wants to give back.” You can see the photo in the post below.

Donald Trump

After that, O’Donnell went further sand stated: “The president of the United States is a sociopath.”

Read Also: Filmmaker Rob Reiner Attacks Donald Trump on Twitter

It is becoming a trend to picture President Donald Trump as a madman. Just a few days ago, David Masciotra wrote in Salon this about POTUS: “Psychologists warn of the deadly consequences of the ‘silent partner’ in abusive homes. When a father beats or se**ally assaults a child, the family will often react by refusing to discuss the abuse, allowing silence to enable the predator and protect against confronting a reality that is too painful and frightening.”

This was only the first part. Later he added: “The United States of America is now an abusive household. Donald Trump is the lunatic authority figure stalking and traumatizing the victims — the American people — while the Democratic Party, along with the mainstream media, act as the silent partner.”


By Sinisav