Rob Reiner

FOX NEWS – 02/18/2020: Not everyone will praise the President on President’s Day. Rob Reiner even went a step further and decided to insult the 45th US President Donald Trump. Reiner doesn’t have faith in Donald Trump, and he’s also called for voters not to give their confidence to POTUS.

Reiner remarks are aimed at Trump’s character or lack of it. He also added that POTUS is someone who is lacking respect for the law. His message was packed in the form of a tweet, and it goes as follows: “On this President’s Day let US vow that this Nov. we will elect a POTUS who is not a Malignantly Narcissistic Pathologically Lying Misogynistic Racist. One who believes in The Rule of Law, respects The Constitution, and doesn’t grab women by the p—-.”

Rob Reiner

This was quite a direct message. It also wasn’t the only one aimed at Trump. All in the Family actor voices his opinion on Trump more often than not. In recent weeks he was suggesting his followers that all of them should vote for Trump’s Democrat adversary, whoever that may be, in the November elections.

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His tweet from February 15th said: “Unless we all pledge to unabashedly and passionately support whichever candidate emerges to oppose this cancer on our Democracy, the Revolutionary War will have been fought for nothing.”

It seems that Rob Reiner can’t get on the same page with Donald Trump on any issue. The two of them stand on the opposite sides on the matter of climate change. Reiner believes that Trump is standing in the way of saving our planet: “We are experiencing two existential crises in real-time: The Degradation of our Democracy and our Planet. Since we are responsible for both, we can save both. The Removal of the Criminal in the WH is the first critical step.”

Considering that there’s still tome until November elections, this is not the last time we hear from Rob Reiner.


By Sinisav