Source: fidar.rw

EXPRESS – 04/29/2020: Donald Trump makes one wrong decision after another. Now, POTUS wants to rush the governors to reopen school despite the fact that coronavirus pandemic is still active.

Talking about the matter, President Donald Trump said: “Some of you might start thinking about school openings, because a lot of people are wanting to have school openings. It’s not a big subject, young children have done very well in this disaster that we’ve all gone through. So a lot of people are thinking about the school openings. And I think it’s something, Mike (Pence), they can seriously consider and maybe get going on it.”

Source: post-journal.com

We don’t think that anyone, besides the President, is thinking about reopening the schools. The country is still in lockdown, and many governors have voiced their concern regarding opening the schools.

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The reason is, of course, that coronavirus is still present in large quantities. The general consensus among all states is that schools remain closed at least until the start of the next academic year.
Some states are recommending online classes and other distance learning models, which would work in accordance with stay-at-home norms and social distancing guidelines. Dr. Anthony Fauci stated earlier that reopening the schools would be unpredictable.

Talking about the subject, Dr. Fauci said: “I fully expect — though I’m humble enough to know that I can’t accurately predict — that by the time we get to the fall, that we will have this under control enough that it certainly will not be the way it is now where people are shutting schools.”

So, while the coronavirus pandemic is still causing chaos across the United States, Donald Trump can’t get his priorities straight. POTUS should be dealing with additional tests, a supplement of medical equipment, and containing the crisis. Instead, he’s focused on reopening the economy, giving dangerous medical advice, and pushing and rushing agendas that shouldn’t be on the table at all.

Source: express.co.uk

By Sinisav