Social media plays a large part in today’s society and it is responsible for a new wave of online marketing. Almost 77% of US citizens have a social media profile. So it’s only natural that businesses would use social media marketing as a way to attract new leads.

But not to dwell too much on it, let’s get straight into the advantages and disadvantages of social media marketing today.

Advantage: Ability to Reach Large Audiences

The best thing about social media is that everyone is on it. With such a large audience available to you, the opportunities are endless for businesses to reach those audiences. In the US, the platforms with the most users are:

  • YouTube: 73% of US citizens
  • Facebook: 68% of US citizens
  • Instagram: 35% of US citizens
  • Pinterest: 29% of US citizens
  • Snapchat: 27% of US citizens
  • LinkedIn: 25% of US citizens
  • Twitter: 24% of Us citizens

A business can utilize social media to a great extent and target specific locations when creating their ads to bolster organic views.

Advantage: It Creates a Connection With Your Audience

Every business has an online presence and should take their social media account management seriously, and you can follow this site to read in debt about social media management. Businesses can use one of their social media accounts to connect with their audiences, directly. You can also use your accounts to get to know your audience better. They can also be used to provide better customer service, gain valuable insight about your customers, and see how your audience perceives your business.

Advantage: Social Media in Hotels and Tourism Marketing

One of the areas that have benefited massively due to social media marketing are hotels and tourism. The travel industry as a whole has reaped the rewards when it comes to attracting large audiences, but none so more than hotel establishments and travel agencies.

These businesses can utilize social media to attract large audiences by simply have other people share their services. Since we live in a world where everyone posts pictures from their travels, it creates a unique P2P connection where people will want to visit the places where their peers have been by simply looking at the pictures they’ve posted on their social media. Furthermore, the travel industry is utilizing social media marketing to a great extent since it offers more than traditional marketing.

For more information about how social media has impacted tourism, make sure to visit Markhat website.

Disadvantage: You Can Receive Negative Feedback

One of the biggest disadvantages when it comes to social media marketing is the fact that negativity is always present on these platforms. While people use social media platforms to post content they love, not everyone agrees with them. People tend to share the things they do not agree with, and this can also happen to your business. If a person is not satisfied with the service you’ve provided, he will make sure to leave a negative review sharing his negative experience.

The next time a person opens your business’s profile, he will see that person X has negatively reviewed your business. Since reviews are very important when it comes to enquiring about the validity of a business, negative reviews can become a large problem for your business. One way to avoid them is to provide exceptional service to your customers.