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Instagram is slowly becoming the number one app for marketing due to the huge audience it attracts. Content creators use Instagram as a great marketing tool to a great effect and the main currency are followers. With 200 million active users that share more than 100 million images and accumulate almost 2 bln likes per month, Instagram is slowly becoming the number one social media app.

According to data, Instagram accumulates almost 60 times more engagement from brands on their platform than Facebook, and twice as much than Twitter.

With numbers like that, we can understand why everyone is riding the hype train of Instagram marketing, and do that, you need followers.

So because of that, in this article, we are going to discuss how to increase the number of followers on your Instagram account.

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Promote Your Hashtag Outside The Platform

The best way to attract new follows that can relate to you is through hashtags. Hashtags allow users to see who has posted what with that hashtag, and if people relate to your post, they will follow you. So our first tip is to cross-promote your hashtag in the real world. If you have some sort of business, make sure to promote the hashtag on your receipts, in printed ads, on t-shirts, coffee mugs, etc. If some of your customers use Instagram, they can search for you through your dedicated hashtag and become fans and followers of you or your brand. If you want to know more about the power of Instagram hashtags, make sure to view more here.

Use Excellent Descriptions

There a saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”, but each picture on Instagram must have a great description in order to attract new followers. For your posts, make sure to use excellent descriptions that tell a story. That way your followers, and future followers can relate to the post and give you a follow. Using this method generates engagement and sharing, which subsequently positively impacts your Instagram growth.

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Learn What the Influencers Do

A great way of growing on Instagram is to see what others do and copy their formula for success. Most of you follow at least one influencer. Influencers are the people that influence a large audience. And they are the ones you want to compete with. You are not after the influencer himself but after his audience. So we suggest you turn on post notifications from these influencers so you can be notified every time they share something new. This way you can copy what they do and copy their formula for success.

Develop Your Own Style

The best way that people can associate with you is if you have your very own Instagram style. Everyone wants to be unique on Instagram and to do that you have to develop something that no one else has done or something that very few people do. The best way to do this is to create your very own unique visual content style. This can be done by choosing a set of colors and modify your pictures only in those colors and only in that style. This will make sure that people recognize you every time they see something from you.