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Setting up the technology for your small law firm can be a hard task, but an even harder task is choosing the right tech for all your law needs. Technology is not something that’s been taught at law school, so you can understand why this poses such a challenge. Not to mention the fact that technology is changing rapidly, and ensuring business success is achieved only if you keep up to date with the latest changes.

However, learning about tech is the best course of action if you want to successfully streamline your law firm and provide excellent service to your clients.

So because of that, we’re going to talk about how to choose the best technology for your small law firm.

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Choose the right tech for your computer systems

Choosing the best hardware will make sure that you’ve met all of your technological needs inside the office. You choose the hardware based on your needs, so the first step is to decide whether you will be using Mac’s or Windows PC’s. Another option is Ubuntu, but we highly doubt that your law firm will use this operating system. Based on that, you select the hardware of your machines. Each one, both Mac OS and Windows, come with their own set of pros and cons, so make sure you choose wisely based on what you need. Another important hardware decision is a fax machine, a printer, and a scanner. Since law firms do a lot of paperwork, it’s imperative that you choose one of the best scanner and printers out there.

Cloud-Based software

According to William Ives Consulting, cloud-based legal software can do a lot for your small law firm. Cloud-based software allows 24/7 access to your legal firm’s data and it’s quite affordable. Cloud-based software saves a lot of time and money, hence why most small law firms have switched to cloud-based software for most of their data needs. Another brilliant benefit to going cloud-based is the fact that you can regularly update it and it gives you access to some amazing features.

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Law practice management software

Your law firm different from any other firm, so it’s important that you choose software that will get the most out of your needs. For this, we suggest you go for software aimed at practicing law and managing law. Since this type of software is aimed at your industry, there are a lot of features, aspects, and benefits that come with it that will further aid your small law firm. Stuff like managing contacts, calendaring, court deadlines, online collaboration with clients, billing, and time tracking are the features that law practice management software come with.

Have a superior website

A website is the face of your business online. In today’s time, every business across any industry has a website. One thing websites are great for is to show visitors what you can offer them. This is why it’s important to have a superior website that will attract visitors and turn them into clients. Your website needs to have client communication. This is a feature where any client, or potential client, can contact you through instant messaging. Your website also needs to have 24/7 access to information and customer support that will be available all the time.