
Meghan Markle has recently shocked the fans and media when her full name was revealed on Archie’s birth certificate. It turns out that her legal name is Rachel Meghan Markle, meaning she has been using her middle name all this time. Now, new rumors reveal more about her wishes and plans.

Media outlets and the fans are now speculating that Rachel, which is her real name after all, has always wanted to live in Los Angeles and have a glamorous Hollywood life as a part of her career in acting.

Her friends reveal that she was desperate for the fame she now has, and they think she had a tough time to convince Harry to go along with the plan to leave his old life behind and join her in America.

A source close to the pair reveals that Harry never knew how much he would enjoy his new life. He is simply fascinated with all the stars in LA and enjoys their company. Therefore, he is glad that he took this step with his wife and moved to America.

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Meghan has managed to bring her full plan to fruition, as she kept her marriage to a prince intact while getting her old life and career back. The best of both worlds, as they say! The only thing left to do now is score major roles and make a name for herself in the industry.

Read also: Meghan Markle Shocks The Fans With Her Real Name