
Youth may be fleeting, but we can have a beautiful, well-groomed appearance at any age. The skin on our bodies is exposed to the stresses of everyday life, which is why it can remain dehydrated. In order to maintain her health, it is important to compensate for the lost humidity and provide her with special care. Expensive cosmetics are not always necessary, sometimes you just need a little effort and time and some money.

Beautiful and healthy skin is not only a matter of genetics – your daily habits have a great influence on how you will look when you look in the mirror. If you think that it is enough to apply your favorite cream and lotion to your face and body from time to time – you are mistaken. This will only have a short-term effect and will make your skin temporarily soft and moist. However, for slightly more serious results, you will have to put in a little more effort.

To begin with, it is very important to determine your skin type, because this information will guide you in the right direction. There are five types of skin – normal, dry, oily skin, combination, and sensitive skin. Normal skin is not problematic and does not require any special care, while dry skin requires more moisture due to frequent flaking, which leads to discomfort and itching. Oily skin type is probably the most problematic because it is manifested by widened and clogged wrinkles, spots, blackheads, and pimples on the face.

However, combination skin is probably just as demanding as combination skin, if not more so, because the T-zone is usually oily, and the rest of the face is dry. And finally, sensitive skin that is prone to irritation and inflammation. It requires special care and very frequent dermatologist consultations to prevent an inflammatory process. Now that you know your skin type, you can start taking care of it. Therefore, custom skin care is highly recommended and you can find here more about it.

Face and skin care must be detailed and carried out in several stages. It is important to know that, if you want to have a noticeable effect, care must be done daily, in the morning and in the evening, because the goat remembers the routine.

Read below what are the advantages of a customized skincare routine.

Clean skin


The first step in facial care is cleaning the skin and removing dirty deposits, sweat, sebum, and makeup residues. Already after the first cleaning, you will feel that the skin is softer and more beautiful. For this step, you will need milk or gel. When choosing between milk and gel for facial cleansing, the general rule is that the more dry the skin is, the more suitable the cleansing milk is. Then you can proceed to the next step, which is the application of a tonic that will tone the skin and remove make-up, if it remains, which usually happens in the area around the eyes.

The skin is soft to the touch

Only healthy and well-groomed skin is nice skin. Apply the serum to your face and after a few minutes, your favorite cream that you have chosen based on your type.

Hydrated and renewed skin

Care preparations should hydrate and renew the skin. Skin hydration not only increases its water content but also protects it and promotes proper skin desquamation (the process by which the skin sheds dead cells), leaving it smooth, soft, and comfortable. Many care products also address and treat certain teen skin problems.

Face protection


Effective sun protection is a vital part of keeping your skin healthy and should always be considered as a very important part of your daily skincare routine. With proper protection, the skin will retain its youthful appearance, because we know that the sun gives us vitamin D, but also contributes to aging.

When you look good, you feel better

Keeping your skin clean and healthy will boost your confidence by making you look more beautiful. If you want to get rid of acne and pimples or other skin-related problems, daily care will help you with that too. Prevent going to the dermatologist and prepare your skin for a better and healthier future.

Ever since women know about themselves, they try to be beautiful and attractive to their surroundings. Our skin is under the daily influence of various external factors such as heat, cold, and exhaust gases – that’s why regular cleaning and care are extremely important. A woman’s beauty originates from her very existence, and her boundaries regularly shift. Being a beautiful woman in the modern world, when all possible ways of achieving a perfect appearance are available to us is not so difficult.

How to choose the right products?


Choosing the right products is not always an easy task, because, in addition to skin type, it is important to take into account a few other “little things” such as the composition of the product. Do not be mistaken and think that the most compact is always the best. Keep in mind that very often it’s just about branding and good advertising. Of course, we are not saying that this is always the case.

However, there are also products that are affordable and of more than satisfactory quality, products that are made on a natural basis, without the presence of parabens, sulfates, and other harmful substances. Low-quality cosmetics contain an abundance of harmful artificial ingredients and preservatives, with extremely few natural or dermatologically quality active ingredients.

Every day, the facial skin is exposed to various external influences. Proper facial care is extremely important, because it is the only way to preserve it, slow down aging and keep the facial skin taut, smooth, and beautiful. By choosing different types of treatments with different active ingredients, we also work in the long term to solve certain specific skin problems such as discoloration, oily skin, dry skin, etc.

By Lana