Data recovery is the process of retrieving deleted or lost files. It is possible when the lost files were not overwritten with new data and when the lost data was not deleted with a special data erasing the program. In this article, you will be able to learn everything that you have to know about data recovery. Let’s take a look:

Is Data Recovery Safe?

Restoring lost data with a data recovery program can be quite safe. This software will work in a read-only mode that makes the entire process safe. The software does not make any changes to the original data since it makes a virtual reconstruction of the file system to find the information inside of it. At the same time, when you work with a hard drive that is damaged, you should make a disk image to avoid disk failure or further data loss.

What are Data Recovery Chances?

Data recovery is based on the principle that no data entirely disappear until you overwrite it. Since each file system has its own set of rules for managing data, the success of data recovery greatly depends on the file system your storage is formatted with. The actions you take after data loss are important too – if you do everything possible to prevent the storage from further writing, there are big chances to get back the files.

What to Know about Data Recovery as a Business Owner
  1. Plan a Backup Strategy

According to the experts from DataSector, one of the most-used plans is called the 3-2-1 backup plan. This important business plan says:

– Create at least 3 back-ups, on

– 2 different storage devices, with

– 1 backup stored offsite.

This will ensure that you can restore the lost data in case of a natural disaster or if the other backups fail.

  1. Create a Recovery Strategy

A strategy that is well-planned will help your business to restore their workflow if the data gets lost – without affecting the business flow. Since backups are stored on traditional hard drives, they can also get corrupted or accidentally deleted. You can use a data recovery program in all these cases.

  1. Backup Schedule

The frequency of the backups needs to be based on the data affordability and critically. And there is no debate on whether you should make and maintain regular backups. The most important thing to remember how and when. You should backup your database nightly. However, if the data is lost between the backup cycle, you should use a data recovery program and hey it back as soon as possible in order to prevent permanent data loss.

  1. Test and Document Backups

Testing the backups, as well as your recovery plans is the most important part of preventing data loss and recovery. After making a backup or implementing a strategy, test and rehearse it by executing the recovery tasks to check if the system is working well. You should also document everything about your recovery strategy. This will help you with keeping your business continuity.


As you can see, there are ways that you can recover your lost data. Hence, if you did not implement a data recovery plan, start planning your strategy right away.