RAW STORY – 01/28/2020: There are a lot of books about the Trump family on the bookshelves these days. With every new book, we get some new juicy information regarding America’s most famous family. This time it’s about Mr. Presidents’ favorite daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner.
According to a new book called A Very Stable Genius, written by Washington Post reporters Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig Ivanka’s and Jared’s start at the White House wasn’t rosy. Members of Donald Trump’s legal team wanted them ousted.

The reason was their behavior when Mueller investigation opened. According to a book called A Very Stable Genius, Trump’s lawyers considered Ivanka and Jared to be too open on the subject. Because of this, some of Trump’s closest advisers suggested Donald to remove them from the White House. They thought that Kushner’s made it impossible for the White House to function normally.
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According to Washington Post reporters, it was not easy for members of Trump’s legal team to confront him with their opinion. But, they were sure that Ivanka and Jared shouldn’t be a part of White House staff. POTUS’s lawyers believed that he would tell about this to Jared and Ivanka, which would leave one of them without a job if the pair didn’t receive it fondly.
What scared Trump’s lawyers the most is the way Jared Kushner openly talked about Mueller’s investigation. He did so in front of them, which made them worry about the things to come. The biggest fear was that they could be called to witness in the process because of something they overhear.
Their fears, in the end, proved futile, as Mueller investigation ended, and Ivanka and Jared are both still essential part of Presidents White House staff. His daughter Ivanka is currently one of his most trusted advisers.
Source: rawstory.com