
SLATE – 04/18/2020: Things can’t be transparent with Donald Trump. They never will be, he’s just that kind of man. According to HuffPost, Trump’s reelection campaign is paying Don Jr’s girlfriend and Eric Trump’s wife. The sum in question is staggering $180,000 each per year.

This wouldn’t be an issue if the money weren’t distributed under the table. They are not being paid by Donald Trump directly but through a subsidiary company owned by one of Trump’s campaign managers. The reason is simple as you can guess, Trump Family is trying to avoid the public disclosure. This couldn’t be done if they were receiving the funds directly.


Sources close to GOP told HuffPost that Lara Trump, who is Eric Trump’s wife, and Kimberly Guilfoyle, the girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr., are both being paid $15,000 a month for their services. The checks are being issues by Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale through his private company. Parscale didn’t deny these reports when approached by people from HuffPost. What he did say was: “I can pay them, however I want to pay them.”

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It is nothing new that the reelection campaign is paying Eric’s and Don Jr’s ladies. During March, the New York Times also reported that the two women are being paid by Parscale Strategy. This is the name of the private company owned by Trump’s campaign manager. The funny thing is that NYT wrote that Lara Trump even complained to Parscale about her paychecks, which were always late.

It remains unclear when precisely did Donald Trump started his campaign, but the checks that Lara Trump complained about were from June of 2019. This is only one of the evidence of how Donald Trump is getting richer from his campaign.


By Sinisav