Melania Trump

EXPRESS – 03/07/2020: The coming months won’t be easy for the First Lady Melania Trump. According to tarot cards, she expects a difficult period in her life. A tarot card expert claims that this will come true unless she does this one thing.

As you probably know, Melania Trump is the wife of the United States President Donald Trump. She’s also a former supermodel. During the recent weeks, she has been assisting her husband in his campaign for presidential elections. The tarot expert we mentioned claims that in the coming weeks and months, she will find it difficult to win over supporters.

Melania Trump

Melania Knauss was born in Slovenia on April 26th, 1970. She is a Taurus, an earth element. The bull also represents the First Lady. The tarot expert we mentioned is Freya Kovac, who is also an astrologist, and a specialist in clairvoyance. The problematic period will come to the First Lady if she fails to follow her instincts.

Read Also: Melania Isn’t as Nearly Worried About Coronavirus as Donald Is

The tarot expert, Freya Kovac, gave an interview to and claimed that she saw Melania’s future from her three-card spread. When she spread three cards, she pulled “Eight of Wands,” “The Hight Priestess,” and the “The Tower,” precisely in that order.

Talking about what she saw in the cards, the tarot expert said: “In a general context, the Eight of Wands represents hastiness, speed, rushing, progress, movement, and action. The card represents thinking on your feet, seeing results, and finding solutions.”

Melania Trump, without a doubt, has tough times ahead of her, as she will participate in her husband’s presidential campaign. Furthermore, the entire nation is facing the coronavirus outbreak, and the First Lady will have eyes of the public on her.

While explaining the second card, Freya said: “The card suggests Melania has all the knowledge and wisdom she needs but needs to trust herself a bit more.” Talking about the final card, the tarot expert explained: “The Tower Tarot card represents chaos and destruction. The card always has one message: change, or be changed.”

If you believe in this sort of thing, then the next few months are going to be very exciting but also challenging for the First lady.


By Sinisav