Even if you own a smaller company, it will definitely pay off to invest and be active in the field of social media and digital marketing in order to boost their target audience past the already implemented marketing strategy, for example, email. Are you wondering how you can do that? Here are practical social media marketing tips:

Come up with a good plan

Your social media requires a well-planned strategy and it requires you to take these steps:

  1. Set social media goal – do not just deal with numbers like retweets or like, you should also focus on generated leads, referrals, and conversion rates.
  1. Conduct a social media audit – learn who you are already connected with on different social media platform, which networks your users use, and how your own social media presence compares to the competition.
  1. Complete existing account and set up new ones – if you have decided which social media platform is best for you, you should set up an account on each of the platforms that you chose.
  1. Get inspiration – you should do some research on what content competitors share. This will help you to stand out from the crowd.

Determine which platform or platforms suit your business

Not every platform is good for your business or goals. Here is a list of the most popular networks to choose from:

  1. Facebook – the most popular social media platform with more than 2 million active users. Facebook has the most regular users and is based on range, hence it is the most attractive network to use.
  1. Instagram – this platform is successful because of its visual approach. Hence, you will be able to market something in an appealing, aesthetic way.
  1. Twitter – since there is a limit of 280 characters per tweet, Twitter is known for its spice and brevity.
  1. YouTube – if your company has enough resources, the best way to market something is to share online video.

Get to know your targeted audience

According to, identifying the characteristics of your targeted audience should be a part of every market research. Without this data, you will not be able to know how to attract the attention of the audience you want to gain. Identify the gender, age, location, average income, and other facts that might be important for your company.

Market and sell your products on social media platforms

Marketing on these platforms is more than just posting a picture of your brand from time to time. Without the right strategy, you will not get the results that you want. When curating social media the 80/20 rule is recommended. This stands for 80% of your social media sales success or marketing, which is basically the result, is based on only 20% of the cause, and the cause is the content that is curated by you. Hence, the percentage of your content on all platform should be as low as 20% of the content. The 80% turns to your customers – communicate with them and share content that adds value to them.

Whenever possible, use pictures, videos, and graphics

It does not really matter what platform you opt for, you should focus on visuals as often as you can. In a recent study, 67% of marketing executives said that they use visual posts on social media because it causes an engagement effect.  One Australian marketing firm gained a 340% increase in sales using video content on social media. This clearly shows how powerful video marketing on social media really is. Whether you choose memes, videos, or pictures, the implementation of visual content is quite simple. Just make sure that the posts are relevant to your company and audience.


Do not hesitate to research and adopt some strategies from other brands. You can get inspiration from brands and try some of their strategies on your own social media platforms. Do some research on your competition and let it stimulate you. Maybe their great idea can be adopted, as well as adapted for your own campaigns.