
Finally some good news from Simon Webbe and Ayshen. The couple decided to introduce their newborn daughter, and tell us her name during an interview with Hello magazine. We say that it is good news because after the troubles they went through it really is. For all of you unaware of their situation, before welcoming their baby girl, the couple had the misfortune of two miscarriages.

Because of their bad luck in this field, the couple started to fear their possibility of having children, which brought out heartache and anxiety. The worst part is that not even this pregnancy was without issues. It all started well, and after a 12-week scan, no issues were detected. But, once it came time for a 20-week scan, troubles emerged again. Their baby was diagnosed with a condition called fetal growth restriction. This condition causes issues with the placenta and prevents the baby’s tummy from growing. The situation, unfortunately, took a turn for the worse, and by week 37 it was determined that a Cesarean section was needed in order to bring a healthy child to the world because her legs stopped growing.


Luckily, the baby was good after birth and parents couldn’t be happier. Talking about the early days of parenting Simon Webbe said: “I’m so in love with my little girl and being a dad. I sing to her and make up songs, and sometimes it sounds as if she’s trying to sing, too. She recognizes our voices and mimics me.”

Her mother, Ayshen also chimed in adding: “Being a mum is everything and more I dreamed it would be. I feel so happy that I can’t remember what we did before she came along. She’s taken over our lives and we’re enjoying being in a baby bubble with her.”

Before starting to enjoy the perks of being a parent, the two of them went through hell, literally. It wasn’t easy for Simon and Ayshen, but they supported each other like concrete pillars and pushed through it all. Reflecting on everything that happened before the birth, Ayshen said: “I was so worried and emotional. But when I thought, ‘I can’t do this,’ Simon, who’d nursed me for months when I was suffering from extreme morning sickness, was a calming influence and support. With his reassurance and patience, he showed me that together we could get through anything.”


Simon already has one daughter, who is amazingly 24-years old, so he knows a thing or two about being a parent. But, having his latest baby girl, named Cyan is special for him. Cyan was born on April 1st, at Harlow, Essex hospital. Talking about the event itself, Webbe said: “When I saw our baby emerge with a boxing stance, throwing a punch and ready to fight the world, I thought, ‘That’s my girl.’ She opened her eyes and stared straight into mine. It was like looking into a mirror. There’s not a word to describe how amazing I felt. It was like when you dream you can fly, soaring above the world with your problems behind you. I didn’t know something so small and tender could have so much power over me.”

With everything the pair went through it is finally amazing to see them happy and careless, holding their most valuable possession in their hands and enjoying every moment. With everything that transpired while they were attempting to conceive a child, and form their family, we can only hope that their luck is going to be lasting.