We know her as an irresistibly attractive beauty from Barbados, but her humble beginnings and growing up in poverty have forever marked her. Today, Rihanna is a 31-year-old billionaire singer and designer who built an empire out of nothing. Now everyone is singing her hits.

Rihanna began her career at the age of 18 when she moved to the United States in hopes of achieving her dreams. She released her debut album in 2005, with the album “A Girl like Me” coming out the next year and becoming a huge hit.
By the age of 19, Rihanna had already released three albums, the third of which was “Good Girl Gone Bad”, which earned her the success and established Rihanna as the queen of the music charts.

Since then, Rihanna has become one of the most famous musicians in the world, selling albums in record numbers. Because of her entrepreneurial streak and founding her own brands of cosmetics and lingerie, she has earned incredible wealth.

Still, not everything was fabulous for this beauty. Rihanna grew up in Barbados in a large family, with two half-sisters and one half-brother from her father’s previous relationships. They all lived together in a three-bedroom cottage by the beach, and in order to eat, they sold clothes at a booth on the roadside.

The singer had very humble beginnings. The additional trauma she pulls from childhood is her father’s liquor and illegal substances addiction. Rihanna’s father, a port worker, brutally beat his wife, the singer’s mother, but also his children.

Rihanna once spoke publicly about how she remembers the day when she would go to school with black bruises from the belt her father had beaten her.
Due to the great stress from the family issues, the beauty suffered from severe headaches that doctors thought she had a tumor. When her parents divorced, Rihanna finally stopped suffering from migraines, and the quality of her life improved dramatically.

She didn’t go to high school in the first place, so she never graduated from it, and she allegedly always struggled with studying. She replaced the school benches with the bands in which she sang, which brought her to the top of the world music charts.
Even in love life, Rihanna wasn’t lucky. From 2009 to 2016, she was in a volatile relationship with musician Drake, and before that, she was in a very turbulent relationship with Chris Brown – who brutally beat her.
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After falling in love with each other in 2008, Rihanna and Brown got into a bad fight in February 2009, causing an altercation in which Rihanna suffered physical injuries. The attack led to an indictment of Brown and police leaked photos of the singer whose face was covered in dark bruises. Because of this scandal, Brown got a restraining order from Rihanna as well as five years of probation.
Since 2017, the music star has been in a relationship with Saudi businessman Hassan Jameel, but recently the couple broke up.
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