
Donald Trump and Melania Trump attended a 75th commemoration of the Allied victory in the Second World War. There, the presidential couple spent time with eight WWII veterans. The youngest among them was 96 years old. Despite the ongoing crisis, POTUS found time in his busy schedule to honor the WWII veterans on this special occasion.

Unlike his usual self, President Donald Trump didn’t give a public speech but did speak with each veteran individually. The group practiced social distancing due to coronavirus pandemic.


Mr. President and the First Lady both showed respect to all of those who fought and died during WWII by standing to bugle music with their hands on the wreath. Afterward, they walked through the World War II Memorial in Washington, stopping at times to read the words on the monuments.

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The virus also influenced the location of the commemoration. The veterans who were present were scheduled to travel to Moscow to commemorate the 75th anniversary of WWII victory. But because of the COVID-19 pandemic, travel abroad is not allowed, so they decided to do it in Washington.

There were issues regarding their health and dangers that coronavirus presents to them even on US soil, but all of them wanted to participate. Timothy Davis, director of the Greatest Generations Foundation, said he talked with veterans about coronavirus and its dangers: “Of course, we presented to them the risk we are facing.” Regardless they wanted to participate.


By Sinisav