Pest Control Myths Busted - Separating Fact From Fiction

Myths and misconceptions surrounding pest control are the biggest hurdles in your path to eradicating a full-fledged pest infestation. Following unverified facts and myths not only derails your fight against pests but also wastes a lot of time and resources. If you have no prior experience in handling pests, it is always a good idea to seek professional help. The biggest myth surrounding pest management is that people believe DIY solutions are as good as professional services.

All That You Need To Drive Pests Away: Getting Your Facts Right

Drive Pests Away

Professionals are experts, and they know exactly which approaches will work and which ones will not. So, if you have even the slightest doubt that your house has some unwelcome insect guests, do not hesitate to get in touch with a professional at pest control Louisville ky. A professional from a pest control agency will carry out inspections and suggest a suitable plan of action to help you get rid of all the nuisances as soon as possible.

In this blog post, you will come across some common misconceptions that exist about pest control and management.

Ultrasonic Sound Frequencies Are Very Effective In Combating Rats, Mice, And Insects

Several products that produce ultrasound frequencies are sold as effective devices for driving away rats, mice, and insects. Some sellers claim that a sixty-hertz frequency is effective in handling rodents, whereas forty-hertz is great for controlling flies.

However, the fact of the matter is that there is no definitive proof to show that ultrasound frequency is a good way of dealing with rodents and insects. All the studies conducted in this regard have given mixed results.

A study was conducted in Kansas where ultrasonic sound frequencies were used to drive away ants, and the results were not positive. Again, a group of researchers in Germany tried using ultrasonic sound to deal with cockroaches and mosquitoes, and the results were not positive.

Hence, most researchers agree that ultrasonic sound may initially irritate rodents and insects, but in the long term, they get accustomed to it.

So, if you are trying to get rid of a full-fledged infestation, using sounds of ultrasonic frequency may not be a very good idea. Nevertheless, these devices are very popular among online shoppers, and most people seem to prefer them over chemical repellents. The fact that devices that produce ultrasonic sound are odorless and do not leave any toxic residues makes them more saleable.

Keeping Your Home Clean Is A Sure-Fire Way Of Keeping Pests Away

Keeping Your Home Clean Is A Sure-Fire Way Of Keeping Pests Away

It is true that a dirty home attracts insects and rodents, but keeping your home clean and tidy does not guarantee that there will never be an infestation in your house. However, a dirty and messy house certainly attracts more insects; for instance, if you do not discard uneaten food, it will attract cockroaches.

Likewise, dirty laundry lying unattended for a long time is more likely to attract bed bugs. Bed bugs get attracted to molecules that create body odor. So if dirty laundry is left unwashed and scattered in your house, you may end up with bed bugs.

However, it is a fact that a clean and tidy house can also attract pests. If the wells of your house remain moist, it may attract termites. A lack of proper airflow keeps rooms moist, and that, too, can attract termites. Likewise, bed bugs are hitchhikers, and they can travel to different places by attaching themselves to clothes, travel bags, etc. So, even if you keep your house completely clean, you can still get bed bugs and all other sorts of insects.

Dealing With Beehives Is Easy If You Do Not Harm Them

Having a beehive in your backyard or lawn is quite common. But not every person is competent enough to deal with bees. Bees are not pests as such, but they can sting you, so it is essential to get rid of them. The most common myth about bees is that they only harm you if you harm them. Hence, people may think that they do not need an expert to deal with bee hives.

However, it is a fact that bees, if they sense some threat to their colony, will sting. Also, there is a misconception that bees can sting only once, but this is true only for honeybees. Other bees and hornets can sting multiple times, and they can be very dangerous.

In fact, sometimes even if you simply walk past their hive without disturbing them, they may sting you. Thus, it is not prudent to deal with bees all by yourself. You are most likely to get nasty stings instead of getting rid of the hive.

UV Zappers Are Good At Killing Mosquitoes

UV Zappers Are Good At Killing Mosquitoes

UV zappers use UV light to attract insects like mosquitoes, and once the insect enters the cage, an electric current is used to zap (electrocute) the mosquito. Mosquitoes generally buzz around sources of light because they use light for navigation and searching for food. UV zappers are often touted as the best solution for mosquitoes, but there is no solid proof that UV light attracts mosquitoes.

In fact, if you use UV zappers, many non-target insects that are not harmful at all may get electrocuted and killed instead of mosquitoes.


The discussion above shows that myths and misconceptions abound when it comes to pest management. It is true that keeping the house clean or using ultrasonic sound can deter the infestation of insects. However, these interventions do not guarantee a pest-free life, nor do they ensure effective long-term protection. So, if you spot any signs of infestation, seek an expert consultation immediately. Pests are very difficult to get rid of, and the sooner you act, the easier it will be to get rid of them.

Also, no particular approach ensures guaranteed protection, and it is often prudent to use integrated pest management to deal with infestations. Integrated management makes use of chemical, biological, and other ways to get rid of the insect without harming non-targeted species.