Marriage between Pamela Anderson and Jon Peters, which lasted only 12 days, ended via text message. The 52-year-old actress and 74-year-old movie producer reportedly only spent five days together after getting married.
Jon was the one to end everything, US Weekly reports. For half of their marriage, Pamela was away, in her home in Canada, before Jon sent the message describing their affair as a “beautiful amazing love fest”.

“This whole marriage thing has scared me. It made me realize that at 74, I need a simple, quiet life and not an international love affair,” Peters wrote.
He continues: “Therefore, I think the best thing we can do is that I’m going to go away for a couple of days and maybe you need to go back up to Canada we did it. The world knows we did it, and I think now we need to go our own separate ways. I hope that you can forgive me.”

It was also revealed that their marriage never became legal. “Legal paperwork for the marriage was never filed,” a source close to the couple told People.
Read Also: Pamela Anderson Separates From Husband After 12 Days of Marriage
Pamela and Jon have known each other for over 30 years but have never lived together. “Living with someone, you truly get to know them. Pam’s a romantic, but she is also very independent. This all moved a bit fast, so they both agreed to put it off,” Pamela’s friends say.

The actress has now replied to her ex-husband that she doesn’t mind anything, and the couple hopes they can stay on good terms.