Home Celebrities Model Maya Musk is 72 But Still Looks 30

Model Maya Musk is 72 But Still Looks 30

by Elsa Stringer

Supermodel Maya Musk is one of the oldest models on the contemporary scene and she is still going strong even though she is 72 years old.  The mother of billionaire inventor and executive Elon Musk today works as a nutritionist, and occasionally appears on magazine covers. She is living the life she always wanted but the road there was not easy.


During her life, she has suffered through many hardships, abuse, a rough divorce, but still managed to raise three children single-handedly. One of her greatest feats of her career was becoming the oldest face of a cosmetics company, which she achieved in 2017.

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She says; “You cannot control everything that happens, but you can make the life you want at any age. Everything you need is a plan.”


What many are jealous of the most is his youthful look and an incredible figure for someone who is in their 8th decade. She lives her life according to these rules:

1. Make a schedule


Eat when you are hungry, but never wait to be too hungry because you will prevent overeating. He usually becomes hungry soon after breakfast so she eats half her lunch then.

2. Eat only what you like


If you do not like the taste, do not like it no matter how healthy it is. The point is to enjoy food, but to also know the right limit.

3. Allow yourself to relax from time to time


Her son has opened a restaurant and she knew she would eat more than usual for that special occasion. Tomorrow however, she ate less for every meal to keep within the right balance.

4. Be happy and love life


Do not exhaust yourself with exercises if you are not enjoying and as mentioned, try not eating things you hate. Everything needs to be balanced and within limits in life. When you eat what you like, you will feel good, and it shows on your face and body. A happy and satisfied woman always looks good.