NO FRANCE! Brentwood, California, August 24, 2014 Matt Damon and his family go out for breakfast in Brentwood. Wife Luciana Barroso, and daughers Isabella, Gia, and Stella. PN

Hollywood superstar Matt Damon famously spent some time in Ireland during the coronavirus quarantine. He went there to make a film and decided to prolong his stay until things stabilize. Now, he revealed that one of his daughters was infected with the virus while he was not home.

The actor revealed in an interview that he was quarantined in Ireland with most of his family, including his wife Luciana Bozan Barroso, and their three daughters Isabella, 13, Gia, 11, and Stella, 9. However, his oldest daughter was not there. In the interview, he revealed the following about his family during these hard times:

“I’m in the middle of a movie that I shot the first half in France and we were moving to Ireland and kind of right when we arrived in Ireland, the movie was shut down. Our oldest daughter’s in college. Obviously that’s been shut down, but she’s in New York City.

She had COVID really early on along with her roommates and got through it fine. So I shouldn’t say our whole family’s together. Of our four kids we’ve got the three younger ones and our oldest one, we’ll reunite with her at the end of the month. But everybody’s OK.”

Having coronavirus is scary on its own, and being alone and away from your loved ones makes it much worse. Luckily, Damon’s daughter and her friends got through it without any trouble and are well and healthy now.

Related: Matt Damon Settles in an Irish Town During Quarantine

During his stay in the small seaside town of Dalkey, Ireland, Matt Damon became a true member of the community. The people there loved him and welcomed him to their homes and businesses with open arms. They now also think of him as one of their own. He really enjoyed the small coastal town and loved to just walk around its streets and the surrounding areas.