Famous actress Jennifer Lopez said her unfulfilled desire was to live in a small town and have a completely normal everyday life.

In her over 30 years long career in which she has achieved great success in the music and film world, Jennifer has revealed that she has a few other things on her list that she would like to accomplish.

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One of them is to leave America and move to Bali or some smaller city in Italy where she can enjoy simple and ordinary things.

“I would love to find another life where it’s a little bit more simple and organic and where I get to ride a bike, and buy bread, and put it in my basket, and then go home and put jelly on it, and just eat and paint, or sit in a rocking chair where there was a beautiful view of an olive tree or an oak tree, and I could just smell. I have fantasies like that”, Jennifer Lopez said in an interview with Vanity fair, adding that although music and dance is her first love, the acting is the love of her life.

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Read Also: Jennifer Lopez Reveals What She’s Using Instead of Botox – It’s Natural Alternative!

“I feel like every time I take on a role, it is only about becoming somebody that I’m not. When they go in and see me, they don’t see J. Lo—they see the maid, they see the stripper, they see who they’re supposed to see because I’m able to still give you the suspension of disbelief. That is the challenge of it for me, but also the thrill of it for me”, J Lo said.