Donald Trump

EXPRESS – 03/04/2020: Coronavirus arrived at the US territory, and fear is starting to spread. The Trump administration is facing a lot of pressure and criticism. The reason is the belief that Donald Trump tried to cover up the number of those that contracted this virus. This story started to spread after the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) removed the count of tests for coronavirus given out from its official website.

Two days ago, you could see on their website the number of people who asked to be tested for coronavirus. Today this information is no longer available this way. The data was removed, and it looks suspicious. The first one to notice this was twitter user Judd Legum. He quickly shared his observation on this social network so that everyone could see.

Donald Trump

The eagle-eyed Twitter user wrote: “BREAKING: The CDC has stopped disclosing the number of Americans tested for coronavirus. On the left is how the website looked last night. On the right is what it looks like now, with the testing info removed. The lack of testing is a scandal. This is the coverup.”

Read Also: Trump Claims Treatment For Coronavirus is Not Far Away

As the news started to spread, more people now believe that the CDC was ordered by President Donald Trump to remove this valuable data from their website. Without this data, it is harder to know just how many cases of coronavirus is there in America, or at least to know how many people suspect that they have contracted it.

Donald Trump tried to downplay the danger of coronavirus since its existence first reported in Wuhan, China. To prevent its spreading to the US soil President installed a travel ban to China and other countries where virus appeared, including Italy and Iran.

He also held meetings with representatives of pharmaceutical companies to fasten the finding of treatment or possibly a vaccine. So far, no concrete move was made by Trump administration, which still downplays the severity of coronavirus. But, one of these days, Mr. Trump will have to admit that the danger is real. After all, people are dying.


By Sinisav