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Event photography can be a real challenge. Preparation, to put it quite simply, and the prior experience in taking photos professionally is highly recommended. Participating in the events requires you to remain constant and take decent images without disturbing your guest.

Below are some tips on how you can become good at event photography.

1. Preparation:

If you do logistic preparation, it will save your time and help you identify the errors and the critical flaws. Spend your time in understanding your surroundings.

Here are some points which you should consider before preparing for the upcoming job.

Do the Research:

Research what that event is about and who will be there. What the timetable of the event is and where those specific activities are going to be held. Don’t miss out the crucial moments.

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Have the photography list:

Having the photography shoot list is an excellent tool. It ensures all the things are covered or they are not. It will give you peace of mind and you will have more time.

2. Have the right gear:

There is no need to have fancy equipment for the events. Generally, DSLR with the mid-range zoom, memory cards, spare batteries, and the external power flash are the key elements to take with you.

3. Take the pre-event photos and then rock up early:

Arrive at the event 15 to 30 minutes early but it depends on the type of the event. If you reach the venue at a decent time, you can meet the hosts, talk to them, and see what they expect. When your event starts,  guests will become more relaxed and comfortable with you. If you reach the event early, there’s one more thing that you can do – you can take the pre-event shots to test if everything is alright.

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4. Take the action shots:

Action photographs are far more interesting than the regular photos with people posing on it. So be prepared and aware of all the actions in the room, be ready to catch the moment.

5. When you should use flash:

A good photographer loves the feel of natural lighting. In the situation of a low light environment, you should understand when and how to use artificial light.

Indoor: weddings, churches, corporate events:

When taking indoor photos, it is recommended to use the external flash. Keep the TTL mode on, it will be great when you use the external flash.

Outdoor: sports, festival:

Many photographers think that using flash outside is natural. And, yes, it can be true, if you don’t use artificial flash light properly. You should be able to recognize the lighting in the room if you want to avoid heavy shadows and to have a feel which place is the best for taking high-quality pictures.

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6. Frame the shot:

A group of the 3 to 5 people is the fantastic shoot composition. Mix your shots with the medium shots, headshots, and full body shots. Avoid the blank and white spaces and crop tightly, unless you’re looking for the opposite. Step back a bit and then use the longer focal length.

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