Today, the European Union is under pressure from left and right political forces. Criticism of the Union’s views comes from almost all sides. The Brexit crisis indicates that the problem is not yet solved, and leaving the Union has become almost impossible.

Brexit Situation

One gets the impression that this process is not realistically feasible. The referendums held on this occasion did not help much. On the contrary, they continued to divide the public on the issue of Brexit. To this, we can add growing civil problems in Ireland. All this is making a huge impact on the EU producing massive political and economical consequences. The UK has begun to deny its involvement within the European Community.

Therefore,  a rival project within the EFTA was built. Since this rival project failed, the English haven’t had much choice. They had to wait for De Gaulle’s departure, so they could join the E.U. From time to time, they were pushing, from within, for a systematic expansion, so that political deepening could be prevented.

Today, there are too many EU Members to agree on a clear policy strategy that would be coherent. Although they are confronted with actors on a global scene, Europeans do not have a clear geopolitical project yet. Without a major industrial policy, without precise vision of their borders, without a clear vision of their situation – the future seems uncertain.

Other Projects

On the contrary, countries like USA, Russia, China or India have projects that cover integration. In such a set of forces in international relations, we are an object, not a subject. The EU digital project does not exist. In Paris and Zurich there are artificial intelligence centers but run by Google. Also, the new silk road that runs through Europe, benefit outside partners. These examples are often seen in many strategic sectors like defense, biotechnology, aerospace, etc.

The Role Of France

France has a hard time accepting a change of balance with its German neighbor. It must be admitted that the German economy is strong. With the exception of Great Britain, France is the only country in Europe that has the potential to use military force. However, the distrust of citizens from other European countries regarding the European project is still present. This is mainly due to concerns about security and economic factors. It can be said that French veto power at the UN Security Council is already an outdated topic. Still, we can’t help but wonder … Why is the US, China, and Russia regularly practicing their veto power, unlike  France and Britain who are using it so rarely?


Many socio-political scholars in history have dealt with similar issues. One of them was the famous Aristide Briand. Today, it is  Henri de Grossouvre is a specialist in international and geopolitical relations. His book Paris-Berlin-Moscow made a huge impact on on the interpretation of political circumstances in Europe. The author’s idea was to underline some specific strategic positions of these three countries.

France is a country that has its ground in Southern and Northern Europe. This country is close to both the Mediterranean and Germany. Since Germany is at the center of Europe, it is tied to both Western and Eastern Europe. This country also has its historical relations with Russia. Finally, Russia has a distinct position in Europe. This country is a strong political force.  It also has its grounds in the Pacific Ocean, as well as links with some developing countries.

The second Grossouvre’s idea was to emphasize the fact that European states became objects of international relations. The major point is that these three countries should ally their forces. They’re ought to use their influence together instead of acting alone. The general idea is to provide a counterbalance to the US. It’s true that France is an ally of the United States, but still, it has to manage its own interests. This should be done by using geostrategic position and geographical ties. Such as that France has with Germany.

Will This Idea Become True?

This is an interesting question. This book wasn’t translated in German, nor in Russian. On the other hand, it was translated in Italian and in Serbian a few years after publishing. After the book was published, an organization promoting the project was formed. This organization gathers representatives from both the left and the right political parties. It also gathers experts as well as civil servants. The main goal is to keep good ties and diplomatic relations with Russia. Today, this organization hosts lectures and panels about the international politics.