Donald Trump

CNN – 04/21/2020: Donald Trump is hitting hard the states that are not his allies and favors those who side with him and are Republican-led. This is why Georgia is following his way, and it’s exiting coronavirus crisis early. But unlike authorities in Georgia and POTUS, people are worried that the infection could come back to bit them and that their reopening is politically and not health motivated.

The next Monday is crucial for the governors of Georgia, Brian Kemp, who plans to reopen salons, massage therapists, bowling allies, and gyms on Friday. This move is even more reckless and optimistic from what Mr. Trump suggests. In the last two weeks, the number of deaths has gone up for 50%. At the moment, we have almost 45 thousand deaths caused by COVID-19.

Donald Trump

There’s no real reason to believe that the fight with coronavirus is over. Georgia is only following the example set by South Carolina and Tennessee, who will also get rid of some of the social distancing rules.

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Georgia governor Brian Kemp has no real stance to back up his decision to reopen his state. He relies on Donald Trump’s promises that the road to the future lies in the quick reopening of the sates.

Unlike Georgia, which has a Republican governor, Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia, all lead by Democrat governors is facing the peak of the pandemic in the coming days and weeks. But this doesn’t mean that states led by GOP governors won’t become hotspots in the coming weeks. While Kemp believes he’s doing his best, there’s no guarantee that his moves won’t bring damage to the less populated states led by GOP governors in the future.


By Sinisav