Donald Trump

USA TODAY – 05/22/2020: Donald Trump went out and made a bold move. POTUS declared houses of worship essential and called for their opening. Furthermore, he criticized some governors for allowing liquor stores and abortion clinics to be opened while houses of worship remain closed.

It was on Friday that President decided to order governors to open churches and other houses of worship. These places were closed since the moment the pandemic started. Mr. Trump threatened that if any state leader decides no to listen to him, he will make an order for each individual state to reopen.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump insists that churches and other houses of worship to reopen, and he talked about this during the Friday press conference: “Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential, but have left out churches and other houses of worship. It’s not right. So, I’m correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential.”

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The press briefing was sudden and unannounced, and the reporters at the White House were the first to hear this decision. President Trump stated that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is working on creating and distributing guidelines for houses of faith on how to behave upon reopening.

At the moment, the United States of America is slowly approaching the dreaded landmark of 100 thousand deaths caused by the coronavirus. The number of those infected is over 1.5 million, and the pandemic is nowhere being over. Because of this, POTUS wants places of worship opened as he says: “In America, we need more prayer, not less.”


By Sinisav