Donald Trump didn’t mince his words when he blatantly accused Meghan Markle of using Prince Harry and being disrespectful to the Queen. In a lengthy interview, the former President admitted that he was never a fan of the Duchess from “day one”.
Trump sat down with Nigel Farage of GB News to talk about the ongoing affairs in the US. The subject of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry endorsing Joe Biden imminently came up. When asked about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Trump responded: “I’m not a fan of hers. I wasn’t from day one. I think Harry has been used horribly and I think someday he will regret it”. He added: “I think Harry’s been used and been used terribly. I think it’s ruined his relationship with his family, and it hurts the Queen.”

Farage pushed further, focusing on Meghan Markle’s lobbying in Congress. Trump, unfazed, replied: “She is trying to do things that I think are very inappropriate. I think she’s very disrespectful to the Royal Family and most importantly to the Queen.”
The latest Trump interview might look harsh, but the animosity from the former President towards the former royals is actually nothing new. In the fall of 2024, Duke and Duchess endorsed Biden causing the not-so-nice reaction from Donnie. “I’m not a fan of hers and I would say this, and she probably has heard that. But I wish a lot of luck to Harry, cause he’s going to need it”, Trump said at the time.
The hostility between Meghan Markle and Donald Trump goes back to the time before she married into the royal family. In the audio recording, the former president called Duchess “nasty” after she marked him as being “divisive” and “misogynistic”.
Donald Trump was always a great admirer of the British Crown. He met the reigning monarch and the broader royal family on multiple occasions. During an interview, Trump talked about the aging Queen Elizabeth II with great respect. “A great woman, such a great person, a historic person. The Queen and the entire Royal Family have been fantastic. The relationship with the United Kingdom is very strong”, he said.

When Meghan and Harry announced their departure from the royal family, Mr. Trump, expectedly, was not very supportive. “It was reported that Harry and Meghan, who left the Kingdom, would reside permanently in Canada”, the former president Tweeted before he was banned from the platform. He was also clear when it came to the United States footing the bill for the Duke and Duchess security. “Now they have left Canada for the US however, the US will not pay for their security protection. They must pay!”, Trump stated.

Surely, Meghan Markle didn’t like Trump’s stand on the issue. While Meghan was leading a smear campaign against the whole royal family, accusing them of racism, Trump publicly expressed his support for the British Crown. Undoubtedly, the two will never see eye to eye, but in the end, considering the history of the relations, there is no love lost between the two.