Donald Trump

NBC NEWS – 03/13/2020: The time has finally come for Donald Trump to admit we have an issue with coronavirus. Mr. President is ready to declare a national emergency. It should happen today. This should give time to all Americans to better prepare if a pandemic occurs.

Thanks to this, there should be more funds to pump them into the fight against this virus. More will be known after Trump’s press conference scheduled for later today. This was made known by President himself through his Twitter account: “I will be having a news conference today at 3:00 P.M., The White House. Topic: CoronaVirus!”

Donald Trump

Donald Trump has been thinking about declaring a national emergency for a few days now. This was something he said to reporters who were present in the Oval Office on Thursday. When talking about this possibility, Trump was referencing Stafford Act.

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During the meeting with the Irish Prime Minister, POTUS said: “We have very strong emergency powers under the Stafford Act. I have it memorized, practically, as to the powers in that act. And if I need to do something, I’ll do it. I have the right to do a lot of things that people don’t even know about.”

The emergency declarations, such as the Stafford Act, are often used in the case of a natural disaster. Still, they can also be applied in a matter of a disease that threatens to cause an epidemic. Coronavirus fits this description, and under this act, there would be a financial aid distributed across the country to help deal with this virus.

According to health officials, drastic measures are needed as the coronavirus outbreak will get worse before it gets better. Many public events are getting canceled. The panic spreads fast, and we already have a large number of sports events postponed. The games are on hiatus in most American sports, including MLS, MLB, NBA, and NHL.


By Sinisav