Donald Trump

ECONOTIMES – 03/23/2020: Coronavirus is terrorizing the world, and there’s no country in the world that isn’t battling it. Life is difficult for all people, and the US citizens have their share of suffering.

Donald Trump’s administration is fighting not only the medical crisis but also the economical one. The economy fell into recession because of COVID-19. POTUS formed a task force whose only duty is to work on stopping the pandemic. But, Trump is apparently getting tired of fighting coronavirus as he allegedly fell asleep during one of the meetings between him and his task force regarding the coronavirus outbreak.

Donald Trump

A video that shows sleepy Trump is circling the internet for some time now. During the meeting, President Trump looks uninterested, bored, and absent. Because of his behavior, he was attacked by netizens. Many of them called for POTUS to leave his position if he’s not prepared to do his job.

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The first one to attack Mr. Trump today was Twitter user @McSpocky, who shared the named video and captioned it with: “This guy calls Joe Biden “sleepy Joe.” Watch Donald tRump falling asleep & appearing not to give a crap about the #CoronaCrisis. tRump should resign. His response to the #COVID19 pandemic has been a complete FAILURE! Share this to spread his shame.”

Many users were outraged because of what Donald Trump did. He is a man who dares to call his Democrat rival, Joe Biden, ‘sleepy Joe.’ Also, Donald Trump refers to himself as a ‘wartime president.’ Well, we don’t know too many generals who won any battles while sleeping. The coronavirus outbreak is causing severe issues across the globe, and President Trump still doesn’t take it seriously.


By Sinisav