You might have come across a gorgeous Instagram handle that looks perfect. All the images that belong to that handle are crisp and provide an authentic feeling. Apart from that, the captions also look perfect. In short, you will feel as if those particular handles have mastered how followers can be attracted.

Instagram branding

Instagram is indeed nothing but another social networking platform where you can upload great content. However, Instagram has been helping numerous businesses gain success because it is a visual platform and customers currently are interested only in the visual representation of services and products. Therefore, if you have to attract customers, it is your responsibility to ensure that your Instagram handle looks appealing and attractive.

You need to ensure that your Instagram account is fitting organically into the complete business as well as the branding strategy. As soon as the customers land on the profile, they will recognize the brand immediately. You should not represent yourself in a manner that does not represent your brand. That can be extremely damaging.

Instagram branding is not only about developing a sophisticated and pretty logo. It is more about encompassing the brand experiences right from the looks to the sounds, from what the brand offers to how it is handling customers. Anything and everything that your organization is offering to the customers is a part of branding.

Given below is a list of tips that you need to follow when you are crafting a strong and interesting Instagram branding.

Storytelling as well as positioning

When you are concentrating on developing imagery, it is crucial that you focus on storytelling and most importantly, positioning of the company. The brand story is responsible for including several things like how you have started, what are the hurdles that you have faced, the passions that you have, the values that are responsible for driving your organization, and more. It is also responsible for including several other important things like the customers and what your brand is helping them achieve, the kinds of issues that your brand is helping your customers solve, and the kind of inspirational lifestyle that they are striving for.

You cannot miss considering things like the products that you are offering and the aspect of the theme that is responsible for uniting all the products cohesively. All these details are responsible for making up the brand story. Therefore, when you are uploading images on Instagram, you need to keep this in mind. The captions that you are using should be capable of highlighting the story of your brand. Another important place where you can introduce your brand to your potential followers, as well as the client, is undoubtedly the Instagram bio.

Instagram bio is nothing but your elevator speech. The Instagram bio should have certain important things like what your brand does and what you are serving. These pieces should be clear and specific. This is crucial because it will help in attracting the right type of followers, who can also turn into your clients. Your objective is concentrating on the right group of people and providing them greater value.

Visual branding

You cannot forget that the Instagram visuals need to be in synchronization with the visual assets on the other channels. This will be responsible for ensuring a cohesive and interesting experience for both the existing as well as potential customers. It can strengthen the association with the brand. If your branding strategy is minimal and clean, it should be similar on Instagram. If your brand is using several bright colors, make sure that Instagram photos are also bright and colorful.

Do not forget to focus on the profile image on Instagram. It might seem like a no-brainer but marketers keep making the mistake of ignoring it. The Instagram profile image is going to be extremely small so it is your responsibility to make sure that it is legible. To get more Instagram views, it is your responsibility to make sure that you are taking care of the visual that you are uploading check this website.

Create images that are Instagram worthy

You have to concentrate on creating beautiful images for your Instagram account so that they are capable of reinforcing your brand. This network is completely about bold and beautiful photos that are capable of catching attention. Do not upload grainy and low-quality images. Visual representation of the brand might be the very first experience that your audience is going to have with your brand and it is your responsibility to ensure that it is great.

Some businesses need to be somber and serious while a few others can be humorous. Some organizations are responsible for appealing to the audience with flirt and playfulness. The business mood, as well as the target audience, will be responsible for dictating the aesthetics of the brand presence. You need to concentrate on the building blocks of the brand, which includes the color palette, imagery, fonts, slogans, and logos. An ideal way of working on visual content is by making it emotional.

Create the content on your own

The first and most important thing that you have to remember is that you have to create images on your own. If you are using numerous images, you have to ensure that all of them are well lit, clear, and have high contrast. Few seasoned Instagrammers make use only of their smartphones for taking images. However, if you do not have similar skills and expertise, you can always go for real cameras.

Many real cameras are available at affordable rates. You will also start getting a return on investment when you are uploading quality images and also attract the interest of the audience. Make sure that you are taking care of the quality of your content. Remain as ruthless as possible when you are polishing your Instagram feed.

Hire professionals

You can also hire professional photographers so that high-quality images of the products are created. It can indeed be an extremely pricey option but you need to understand that it can be meaningful for your business. Professionals work with several businesses and they have proper knowledge that is required for making your Instagram account look professional and sophisticated. If you have the budget, it is suggested that you hire professionals and work on your Instagram branding.


Instagram branding takes a lot of time to become perfect. However, as soon as you are achieving a consistent look on Instagram and discover the signature style, which blends perfectly with the overall branding strategy, you are going to feel golden. Consider the tips that have been mentioned above to work on your Instagram branding.