A fire is raging a few miles away. Your heroic firefighters drive to the scene. Does your fire department insurance policy cover these honorable men and women?
Lacking sufficient insurance coverage puts people in danger. Insufficient insurance also opens up a range of legal issues. These significant risks can decimate a fire department’s finances.
Decimated finances yield smaller staffs and fewer new hires. This scenario decreases the number of available firefighters to address emergencies. A risk management plan mitigates these scenarios.
A business insurance company can assist fire departments with their risk management plans. These plans consider which insurance policies make the most sense for their needs.
Investing in the right insurance agency provides extra peace of mind. However, some protections carry more weight than others. Let’s explore seven vital coverages every fire department needs.
1. General Liability Protection

General liability protection covers general injures and property damage. Many businesses need this policy’s extra layer of protection.
Firefighters go into damaged areas with limited visibility. They make quick decisions due to the situation’s urgency.
Firefighters often damage homes while putting out fires. They may break glass or bust open doors.
These actions save lives, but the homeowner will want to recoup their losses. The homeowner may file a claim against your department.
You don’t want your firefighters thinking about technicalities as they risk their lives. General liability protection shields your firefighters and your department. You can focus on putting out fires while the insurance policy protects you from any claims.
2. Inland Marine Insurance Policy

An insurance company offering this policy will provide extra protection for your firefighters. This policy covers equipment when firefighters respond to emergencies.
New, working equipment helps firefighters save lives. Old equipment hinders a firefighter’s ability to save lives. This equipment also puts the firefighter’s life in danger.
When firefighters go into a fire, equipment may get damaged. Buying new equipment costs considerable money. Penny-pinching fire departments may skip these expenses and expose themselves to liabilities.
An inland marine insurance policy puts those worries to rest. You can deploy firefighters to a fire without worrying about equipment costs.
3. Fleet Insurance
When assessing your choices, look for an insurance company that offers fleet insurance. This policy provides vehicle coverage.
Losing vehicles without insurance can derail a fire department’s operations. Fire departments need expensive vehicles for emergency responses.
If a fire truck gets burned in a fire, fleet insurance sets you up with a new fire truck. A quick and affordable turnaround makes it easier to respond to emergencies.
Expect higher premiums from any insurance agency. Fire department vehicles often find themselves in dangerous situations. Thus, you will need a special policy for your fleet.
4. Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Many companies pay for this business insurance policy. Workers’ compensation insurance protects employers and employees.
This policy helps employees when they get an injury or illness from the job. Some injuries and illnesses can prevent an employee from working. Some injuries prevent firefighters from serving again.
Workers’ comp provides these firefighters with supplemental income. This income compensates for the lost income at the job.
Workers’ comp also covers some of the legal expenses for employee cases. You don’t want to go to court with a former firefighter, but it is possible. Workers’ compensation protects you both.
5. Environmental Impairment Insurance

Firefighter emergencies release pollutants into the air. Training activities and equipment wash downs can also result in environmental impairment.
Your firefighters won’t think of the environment in an emergency. They will focus on saving lives while risking their own. However, environmental activists may see it differently.
Your fire department can get hit with an environmental impairment claim. Environmentalists want to cut back on pollutants that harm the planet.
It’s a frustrating problem for fire departments due to their public service. However, you need to prepare for the worst.
These claims incur considerable legal expenses for the fire department. An insurance company offering this policy can protect your department from legal fees.
6. Cyber Liability Insurance

Fire departments and businesses rely on computer networks. Our increased reliance on technology can make a cyber attack deadly.
Cyber attacks are costly. Some businesses lose millions of dollars during an attack. They also invest funds to recover data, close loose ends, and address other concerns.
Cyber liability protects your fire department from hacker-related expenses. Hackers can take valuable resources and mess up your data.
This policy doesn’t get the same attention as more popular policies. However, if your company gets hacked, this policy comes in handy.
7. Commercial Property Insurance
Firefighters put other lives before their own. Many insurance policies focus on putting the employees before the employer. Yet, your fire department needs some protection.
Commercial property insurance protects your fire department building. If it gets damaged, this policy will cover the costs.
Replacing a fire department building and resources in the building is expensive. Leaving your fire department unprotected from this expense will hurt recovery efforts.
Fire Department Insurance Lets You Focus on Keeping People Safe

Businesses get policies so they can focus on other things. Breweries invest in brewery insurance, and financial firms invest in business insurance. Fire departments also need insurance.
Finding the right insurance agency will help with your risk management plan. Choose an insurance agency that specializes in insurance for fire departments and has experience like www.centralcarolina.com. They provide policies to fire departments across the country.
The right coverage will protect your department so you can focus on protecting others. Not only will coverage protect your department, but it will also protect firefighters. Make sure you ask questions about your coverage. A company who specializes in Fire department insurance will often be able to provide a detailed list about the coverage.