EXPRESS – 04/12/2020: Coronavirus is terrorizing the world, and many people found consolation in their faith. These days Bible is a book religious people read, and some of them believe that COVID-19 is mentioned in this holy literature. But is there truth in these stories?
Coronavirus started in Chinese province Hubei, in the city of Wuhan back in November of 2019. Since then, it spread across the world, and today we have almost 1.5 million people infected with this wicked disease. Because of the high infection rate of this virus, the roughly entire planet is either in lock-down, quarantine, or self-isolation.

Because of this, people find themselves looking for conspiracy theories and prophecies regarding coronavirus. There are some who claim that there are mentions of COVID-19 in the Book of Revelation. But, sources close to the church claim that coronavirus is not nearly catastrophic to be considered biblical.
One of the people who downplay coronavirus as a biblical event is Pastor David Jeremiah of the Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California. He stated: “The coronavirus is not a big deal to God.”
Pastor David Jeremiah believes that the foretold end is not close and that no one knows when it will happen. Pastor Jeremiah asked: “Is there a connection between COVID-19 and the End Times? Are we living in the last days before the return of Jesus Christ? Is all that is happening to us at this moment, a sign that the world is coming to an end? How do we know if the coronavirus is a sign?”
With so many questions, Jeremiah offered vague answers: “Is this a sign of the Second Coming of Christ? I cannot say with any sense of certainty that it is. But neither can I say with any certainty that it is not. It could be the early evidence of number three on Jesus’ sign list, the coming of pestilence.”
Whatever coronavirus is, at the moment, it isn’t good, and the entire world suffers. All we can do is wait for it to pass, and if you are a religious person, pray.