Hollywood actor and one of the most legendary actors of all time, Chuck Norris, has turned 80 years old. He is famous for his roles of badass protagonists, usually cops, rangers, and soldiers, who almost single-handedly solve the cases and deal with bad guys. His martial arts skills are 2nd to none, and his iconic roundhouse kick is the stuff of legend.

Norris was born on March 10, 1940. He grew up in Oklahoma, Kansas, and California, where he graduated from high school. He served in the US Air Force, mostly in Korea, after which he started his own martial arts school.

In an interview, he said has been giving birth to him for 7 days, that he was not breathing when he was finally born, and that the doctors had to fight for his life.

Because of this, as well as his many impossible stunts and roles, there is a whole cult of Chuck Norris jokes describing how unnatural and extraordinary he is. Following are some of the best:

Chuck Norris is the only one who managed to convince his grandma he is not hungry.
When a bear sees Chuck Norris, it drops down and plays dead.
Chuck Norris baptized himself.
Chuck Norris touched MC Hammer.
Chuck Norris finished the last supper.
A gun sleeps with Chuck Norris under the pillow.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity, twice.
There is no theory of evolution, only a list of species to which Chuck Norris allowed existence.
Chuck Norris has an iPhone with a whole apple.