Jon Voight

Jon Voight is one of the rare Hollywood stars that sides with the 45th US President Donald Trump. By doing this, he stands opposed to the left-oriented entertainment industry. Angelina Jolie’s father decided to praise Trump’s response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

POTUS is often criticized for his slow response to the COVID-19 threat, and Hollywood actors and directors were first to point this out. So, it is a bit surprising that an Oscar-winning actor is prepared to stand up for him. Of course, you should know that Voight is a long time Trump supporter. But, the frequency of his Trump-supporting messages is surprising nonetheless.

Jon Voight

Voight decided to praise the President for his excellent response to the ongoing crisis with a video he shared on Twitter. The 81-year actor said the following: “We see President Trump as a magnificent soul, raising up this nation. For he loves his country, his neighbors thy people, Lord. He is a true patriot who has fought single-handed and knocked each poisoner down with his gifted tongue of truths and his true concern of everyone, every citizen. This is a man of great integrity, this is a man who held his head high, this is a man who took on evil and brought us to light.”

Read Also: Jon Voight Wants You to Pray for President Donald Trump

By looking at his words, you can see that Voight is a faithful Trump supporter, as he follows all of his speeches. In the second part of the clip, he almost quoted Mr. Trump on his “wartime president” comment. What Voight said was: “This is a man, a president, who guided his nation and his people on a path to greatness. This man, President Trump, had to fight a war, a war that was bigger than anything our nation has witnessed in our lifetime, though he shielded us and protected us through it. This is what a man of great love does. A man that will protect his country till the end with dignity, honor, respect, and love.”

Jon Voight is persistent in his support of Donald Trump, and it would be good to see if he will inspire more Hollywood actors to understand what Trump is doing for the United States.


By Sinisav