Home Toys Best Toys for 6-Year-Olds

Best Toys for 6-Year-Olds

by Jeon

Everyone loves presents and toys, especially kids, and luckily, the offer of toys today is so vast, which makes making a mistake a getting the wrong one almost impossible. Now, regardless of the kids’ age, there are toys to stimulate their creativity and learning skills and teach them something new, and these educational toys and games are perhaps the best ones you can possibly get them.  Of course, since there are plenty of toys to choose from, sometimes, choosing the best one can cause a headache, so to avoid that, let’s take a closer look at some of the best toys for 6-year-olds.

Fidget Toys


Kids around the globe are simply in love with fidget toys, and it all started with fidget spinners which won the hearts of all of them. It didn’t take long for them to become globally popular, and, of course, many adults also found these toys highly entertaining, and at one point, you couldn’t go to your profile on social media and not see at least one post regarding them.

These toys are known as sensory toys, and besides being fun, they are safe for kids of all ages, and there are many adults that have at least one of them in their purse or pocket. After fidget spinners, another similar toy that keeps the children’s attention is pop-up, which can relax them and give them many opportunities to be creative.

Stretchy strings, squeeze beans, decompression chains, and many others are just variations of sensory toys, and people and adults simply love them, and there are many reasons for that. The main reason for the popularity of these toys is that they can help us relieve stress, which is something that we all need during these stressful times, no matter how old we are.

Besides that, they improve kids’ communication, help them to show their creativity, and focus their attention. All of them are made from durable materials safe for usage, and they are easy to clean in just a few seconds. One of the best presents can be a backpack full of these amazing gadgets which every child on the planet would be delighted to have, and if you do not know where to find one, make sure to check here and find an extraordinary offer of sensory fidget toys set.

Ooze Labs

Img source: scienceandnature.com

We, as a society, required some time to fully understand how science can be pretty amusing and entertaining besides being important. Now, one of the best ways to interest your six-year-old into doing experiments is to get them the Ooze Lab, an exceptional DIY kit. There are many types of labs to choose from, and you can opt to go with soap and bath, super-expanding instant snowmaker, or Thermocolor slime one.

Of course, besides fun, the main point of these labs is for kids to learn something new about pH levels and acids, for example. Furthermore, these sets come with a syringe, measuring cup, pipette, spatula, tube, and many other significant and amusing vessels required for experiments, which grants a time of pure fun and enjoyment.

Crazy Forts

Img source: fatbraintoys.com

It is impossible to find a six-year-old kid that does not adore making forts, no matter if outside in the backyard or inside the house during cold days. Although this activity improves creativity and building skills, it can also create a huge mess inside the house because children try to find everything they can use to make a perfect fort.

One of the best gifts that can help us avoid a huge mess that kids can make is Crazy Forts which will allow kids to enjoy indoor and outdoor without thinking a lot about what to use to make a fort. The box contains 69 pieces that can be connected in various ways and the instruction with the five most popular ideas. The only thing you need to provide the kids besides this package is the blanket to add on the top of the fort once it is built to create an even better effect. It will light up every room, and the fact that there is no mess makes it a great solution for your child.

Storytime Chess

Img source: timberdoodle.com

One doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to play chess, and even though you need to be strategic and pretty clever and quick on your feet to get the title of Grandmaster, to enjoy this enjoyable and engaging game, all that’s needed is a decent opponent.

Six years is perhaps the best age to start playing and learning more about chess, and the best thing about this toy, in particular, is that there is a background story for each chess piece, which makes learning the basics much easier and more fun. It is an educational game where kids can present all of their creativity, and who knows, maybe it is only the first step towards getting the abovementioned chess title. As Simon Williams said, “The beauty of chess is it can be whatever you want it to be. It transcends language, age, race, religion, politics, gender, and socioeconomic background.”

Beat the Parents

Img source: thetoyshop.com

Board games are something that marked every childhood, and luckily they are popular even today when children around the world are used just to smartphones, tablets, and computers. The funniest thing is that we need two teams to make a fun evening by playing this game – kids and parents. The whole concept is actually pretty simple, as both parties, kids, and parents need to answer questions from two sets.

There are many interesting challenges these two teams need to succeed, besides questions that make this game fun for the whole family. It is up to every team to set their stakes, and the possibilities are numerous, and this game improves the concentration, thinking, and creativity of each of the players. It is one of the clever games, and every child who loves board games will be happy to play it, and what’s even more important, it is a great family activity.