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Famous singer Ariana Grande subtly changed her appearance as the years went by. Today, she is a megastar, a singer who has many hits behind her that are both popular with the younger and older population. Before her singing career, she dabbled in acting and remained remembered for her role as Cat Valentine in the Nickelodeon show “Victorious”.

Throughout the years, fans have begun to notice subtle changes in the singer’s appearance that may not be very natural.

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At the beginning of her acting career in 2009, Ariana Grande looked a lot different. Although, it needs to be taken into consideration that she was 16 at the time and that her body came through some changes while growing up.

However, some of the social media users claim that her appearance is not entirely a gift from Mother Nature, but that she had some cosmetic interventions.

The singer has never publicly admitted doing plastic surgery, but sources close to the star have stated that she regularly visits beauty salons and makes “small corrections” on her face. Still, her appearance has changed dramatically with age.

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Ariana Grande denied that she had any plastic surgery. The singer also denied all the allegations that say she was undergoing corrections and stated her body was only fully developed now.

However, speculations about what work the star has gotten done over the years still exist on social networks.

1. Face transformation

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Most noticeable things about the 26-year-old singer that have changed, besides her nose, are her eyebrows and eye area. Although it hasn’t been confirmed, most likely, Ariana has gotten some form of eyebrow lift.

A brow lift or forehead lift is a cosmetic procedure that raises low or drooping eyebrows. So, five years ago, her eyebrows were closer to her eyes and lower on her forehead than they are today.

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One website spoke about her eyebrow changes stating that: “In their new position, Ariana’s face became decidedly softer and feminine. A side effect of this plastic surgery procedure is that the pulling up of her skin has made her eyelids look larger. The skin and fatty tissue no longer weigh down her eyes”.

2. Nose job

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It is speculated that Ariana has done rhinoplasty. Pictures clearly show that her nose is thinner than it used to be. She hasn’t spoken about getting a rhinoplasty either, but if you compare her nose from a couple of years back to her nose now, the change is noticeable in her nasal bridge. Today Ariana’s nose is more refined, sleek, and points upwards.

Read Also: Kylie Jenner After & Before Pictures: Did She Do Surgery?

Rumors have also circulated that Ariana may have gotten lip injections. Although her lips have been looking bigger, it’s not that extreme.

3. Ariana’s skin

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Fans criticize Ariana for looking darker and darker and trying to resemble an African-American, which she really isn’t. She has never commented publicly on whether she goes to a tanning bed, spends a lot of time in the sun, or uses a tanning spray. When she was younger, Ariana was actually pretty pale. She probably got used to fake tan and liked the way it looked, enough to keep it going permanently.

4. Body

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Looking at Ariana’s body, she doesn’t seem to have any work done.

Grande also appears to have gotten thinner since she was a star in Nickelodeon. These days she seems to stay the same size. Ariana told Daily Mail: “I’ve been a vegan for the last few years, and it has been a great experience for me. Maybe that helps who knows.”

The famous singer also said: “I try and live a healthy lifestyle. Eating right, exercise, and sleep are also important. I try and stay really active all the time. I like to hike when I can, and being on stage is great work”.

5. Hair

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Ariana’s naturally a brunette. In 2010, Ariana’s signature as Cat Valentine on “Victorious” was bright red hair. To keep up with this unnatural look, Ariana had to constantly color her hair and wear extensions, which resulted in a lot of damage.

While starring on “Victorious” Ariana stated: “I had to bleach my hair and dye red every other week for the first four years of playing Cat, as one would assume that completely destroyed my hair. I now wear extensions, but I wear it in a ponytail because my actual hair is so broken that it looks absolutely absurd when I let it down”.