
CNN – 02/03/2020: White House assigned a task force to deal with coronavirus threat. According to this task force, there will be even more cases of this virus as it’s easily transmittable. So far, there are two recorded deaths as a consequence of coronavirus on US soil. This statement by the WH task force is on the opposite side from what we have been hearing from President Donald Trump in recent days.

Trump’s administration isn’t sitting idle as they are making sure everyone knows they are ready to battle this virus which could spread from coast to coast. POTUS is also working on finding a solution to this problem. Mr. President plans to sit with leaders of the pharmaceutical industry to talk about a vaccine for coronavirus.

Donald Trump

One of his latest tweets was: “Progress being made!” The man Trump put in charge of his coronavirus task force is Vice President Mike Pence, who said that he would brief the press later this afternoon.

Read Also: Donald Trump Jr Accuses Democrats of Wanting Coronavirus Pandemic

While Trump isn’t sweating about this virus, his Democrat rivals are attacking him for politicizing coronavirus. During the last few days, President Trump and his son claimed that Democrats are overstating the danger for coronavirus to make him lose the November elections.

While this is no time for the war of words among political fractions, POTUS doesn’t intend to stop any time soon. In his most recent tweet, he once again attacked the Democrats: “I was criticized by the Democrats when I closed the Country down to China many weeks ahead of what almost everyone recommended. Saved many lives. Dems were working the Impeachment Hoax. They didn’t have a clue! Now they are fear-mongering.”

Regardless of who blames who and the opinions of Republicans and Democrats, coronavirus arrived at the US and already took two lives. Reports are suggesting that the number of states with recorded patients with coronavirus grows every day. So far, we have coronavirus in California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Arizona, Wisconsin, Washington state, Oregon, Rhode Island, Florida, and New York.

Whatever Donald Trump’s plan is, he needs to put in in motion. This is not the time for fighting over votes.


By Sinisav