Actress Andie MacDowell, 61, apparently thinks that the same rules do not apply to her and her daughters, Rainey, 30, and Margaret, 25, as for others during the coronavirus pandemic.

Andie was seen in Los Angeles sneaking under a fence into closed Debs Park with her children and her dog. The actress looked on both sides to see if there were any observers, and then went below the gate and continued her walk.

MacDowell ignored a sign warning that the park was closed until April 30 due to a coronavirus, and the Daily Mail sought her comment on a recorded violation of the law.

Debs Park closed April 10, and Los Angeles city authorities have previously announced that all public walking and hiking trails are closed. They also banned the use of beaches, public swimming pools, basketball courts, and other sports venues. Some parks remain closed for walking and running, but the social distance is mandatory.
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