Donald Trump

EXPRESS – 04/03/2020: People at the moment disapprove of Donald Trump and his response to coronavirus threat, but there are those that President isn’t satisfied with. We are talking about face masks producers, who are now under fire from the POTUS.

A few days ago, Mr. President invoked the Defense Production Act, which should’ve jump-start the companies into making the necessary equipment for fighting coronavirus. This isn’t happening like it’s magic, and POTUS is not happy with the development.

Donald Trump

After he publicly attacked General Motors, there’s now another company that’s not behaving right on President’s norms. The multinational conglomerate company in question is 3M. They are in the business of producing supplies for healthcare professionals.

Read Also: Donald Trump is Preparing to Invoke Stafford Act!

Donald Trump attacked them publicly with a Twitter post: “We hit 3M hard today after seeing what they were doing with their Masks. “P Act” all the way. Big surprise to many in government as to what they were doing – will have a big price to pay!”

Officials from the company are yet to answer to President’s tweet. This is not the first time that POTUS talks about 3M. Mr. Trump also mentioned them during one of his press briefings at the White House. Back then, he commented: “Hopefully, they’ll be able to do what they are supposed to do.”

The item that 3M needs to deliver is the N95 face-mask, which is in shortage of supply in America at this moment. This company will also cooperate with Ford Motor Company in order to manufacture the much-needed respirators.

Manufacturing ventilators and respirators are one of the priorities of Donald Trump as he sees them as necessary to resolve coronavirus crisis: “Today’s order will save lives by removing obstacles in the supply chain that threaten the rapid production of ventilators.”


By Sinisav